Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

How to Develop a Business Growth Strategy
There are many ways to guide a business through a period of expansion.

Turning a small business into a big one is never easy. The statistics are grim. Research suggests that only one-tenth of 1 percent of companies will ever reach $250 million in annual revenue. An even more microscopic group, just 0.036 percent, will reach $1 billion in annual sales. Read More

My Comment: To keep your interest stimulated during your growth phase have an idea/initiative in development to stimulate your entrepreneurial thinking.

How Do Athletes Get ‘In the Zone’ of Peak Performance?
Dan Peterson

After a great performance, athletes have described a feeling of being “in the zone.” In this state, they feel invincible, as if the game slowed down, the crowd noise fell silent and they achieved an incredible focus on their mission. What is this Superman-like state and how can players enter it when they most need it? Read More

My Comment: Great article. Keep track of each item in a notebook and you will peak perform.

Heed and Harness Your Introverted Customers
Sure, high-tech bells and whistles are important. But when it comes to product design, empathy for your customers’ emotions should come first.

Designing products for your customers’ emotional needs is hardly a radical concept. Read More

My Comment: Ease of use makes a product/service stand out


Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

Stop Managing Millennials: Manage The Individual
By James O. Rogers

By 2015, Millennials will represent the largest generational cohort in the workforce. If you believe some of the leading news sources, this will be the apocalypse. According to them, Millennials are strange creatures that do not play by the old rules of the workplace. Read more

My  Comment: By doing so you will optimize performance.

38 Quotes To Help You Become A Change Agent
By John Brandon

In business, your ability to adapt and change is often what separates successful entrepreneurs from those who are stuck in obscurity. Read more

My  Comment: Positive change happens and is a necessity for advancement

How to Break a Bad Habit (And Replace It With a Good One)
By James Clear

Bad habits interrupt your life and prevent you from accomplishing your goals. They jeopardize your health — both mentally and physically. And they waste your time and energy. Read more

My  Comment: You’ll have a better life.

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Email him at raj@rajgavurla.com with your date, time and location to book your date today!

Did You Experience The World Series Game 7 “Zone”?

The “zone” feels effortless, has better outcomes, timing is perfect, and everything is in slow motion.” – Raj Gavurla 

sf giants1 sf giants 2

The ” zone” pitching performance by Madison Bumgarner of the San Francisco Giants was exemplary.  On any level, especially the seventh game of the World Series, the zone is an amazing experience to be a part of.   As it unfolded you watched and felt something special was happening.  Although I wasn’t playing, as a spectator I experienced “the zone”.  I felt effortless in watching, history was being written, time was a nonfactor (it seemed still), and my surroundings were in slow motion.  It was as if I was in the stadium.

Being a performance coach there are a few “zone” bytes to gain and apply the knowledge from the experience towards your performance.

1.  Although you don’t know Madison’s routine or thought process throughout the day, adrenaline, anxiety, and motivation are a part of preparing for the seventh game of the World Series.  This is the time for well-timed motivation.

2.  When called upon, he accessed his “zone” and pitched a masterpiece.

3.  As he and his teammates recognized what was happening nothing needed to be said.  There was no way to make it better.

4.  Before the final inning his catcher gave him the emotional and cognitive support needed (not a time for motivation).  The game was on the line.  His catcher went over the approach with him for the next three batters and Madison executed.

5.  Madison responded to adversity (fielding error) with the tying run on third and the winning run at the plate.

6.  With poise and composure he threw his high fastball to get ahead in the count.

7.  The batter popped up the final pitch.  Celebration time!

Although you probably won’t play in the World Series, gain and apply the knowledge for you to set a personal best record.

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at raj@rajgavurla.com with your date, time and location to book your date today!


Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

Be Part Of The Global Entrepreneurship Community

One of the guiding questions whenever my team interviews an entrepreneur for our television show is: why is it important to promote entrepreneurship? And from every entrepreneur we have interviewed, we heard different answers. However, it will always lead to poverty alleviation. That is what we in the Go Negosyo community and the many entrepreneurs we have talked to believe in. That sometime in the future, when everyone grabs their opportunities to become enterprising, there will be less Filipinos who will cry for help and wait for the government to support them. Read more

My  Comment:  Like the ending: People ferreting out better ways of doing things and improving the lives of our citizens www.motivateresults.com

Google’s Streaming Music Service Adds Mood To Mix
By Michael Liedtke

Google’s music-subscription service will try to anticipate its listeners’ mood swings as it amplifies its competition with Pandora, Spotify and other popular services that play tunes over the Internet. Read more

My  Comment:Being able to harness your mood to perform is essential to being immersed in the moment.  www.motivateyourresults.com

Why Pharmacies Are Becoming More Attractive To Business Owners
By Mark Shoniker

Professional services are attracting more and more attention, especially from an investment standpoint. According to a recent survey of small business owners, two-thirds of Canadian entrepreneurs (63 per cent) report that the professional services sector is an attractive investment opportunity. Industry data shows that the sector created 85,000 new jobs in 2013 and now represents the fourth-largest sector by employment in Canada. Read more

My  Comment:  Look for investments aligned with your passion  www.motivateyourresults.com

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at raj@rajgavurla.com with your date, time and location to book your date today!


Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

Entrepreneurship Education Not Just for Entrepreneurs
By Barry Glassner

Entrepreneurship is enjoying tremendous growth at our colleges and universities. Courses and programs are now common at institutions large and small, numbering in the hundreds. Read more

My  Comment:  By educating students and employees on applying entrepreneurial thinking companies will make far greater breakthroughs. www.motivateresults.com

Entrepreneurship In Translation, Part 1
By Linda Essig

With some frequency, I am asked to provide a definition of “arts entrepreneurship.” I have a short working definition (the cocktail party version is “Arts entrepreneurship is entrepreneurial action in the service of art”). I’ve written longer descriptions of arts entrepreneurship practice and defended the concept against assertions that it does not exit. One question I am sometimes asked – the answer to which is embodied in the cocktail party response – is “how is arts entrepreneurship different than any other sectoral form of entrepreneurship?” Are the actions of an artist starting, for example, a new collective gallery any different from someone starting a new dry cleaning company in the shopping plaza down the street? Read more

My  Comment:  It’s important to develop your ideas and concepts with someone in the marketplace who can envision its application.  www.motivateyourresults.com

Adjust Stress Level for Top Performance
By Cindy Matthes-Loy

“All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players…”
Read more

My  Comment:  Right on with the concept peak performance isn’t when you try your hardest. It’s when you achieve uninhibited flow.  www.motivateyourresults.com

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at raj@rajgavurla.com with your date, time and location to book your date today!

3 Top Peak Performance and Entrepreneurial Articles for The Week of September 29, 2014

Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

How Mood Effects Performance
By Brain Amble

If you’ve ever had one of those customer service experiences which left you convinced that the employee you were dealing with must have got out of bed the wrong side, new research suggests that could have been exactly what happened. Read more

My  Comment:  What do you do to make sure your employees and team start the day in a positive mood? www.motivateresults.com

How Mood Impacts Results
By Daniel Goldman

Emotions are highly intense, fleeting, and sometimes disruptive to work; moods tend to be less intense, longer-lasting feelings that typically don’t interfere with the job at hand. And anemotional episode usually leaves a corresponding lingering mood: a low-key, continual flow of feeling throughout the group. Although emotions and moods may seem trivial from a business point of view, they have real consequences for getting work done.  Read more

My  Comment:  It’s important to find ways to address mood. www.motivateresults.com

Business: Change Your Performance Mindset
By Dr. Jim Taylor

When I work with businesspeople and companies, my first challenge is to convince them that profitability, whether individual or corporate, though important, should not be the primary focus. To persuade the often-resistant corporate brain trust, I introduce them to what I call the 3 Ps. Yes, at the top of the business “food chain,” the ultimate goal in the business world and the first P isprofitability (or increased profitability). But how to achieve greater profitability. It comes from the second P, productivity, meaning getting stuff done that results in individual compensation or corporate revenues. But what underlies productivity? The third and most fundamental P, performance, is the engine that drive productivity and profitability. Read more

My  Comment:  One way to change your performance mindset is to set a record.  www.motivateyourresults.com

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at raj@rajgavurla.com with your date, time and location to book your date today!

Your Raise The Bar Primer: Mental Performance Tools

“Easily look your best and set records.” – Raj Gavurla

Easily look your best and set records with my new workbook, Your Raise The Bar Primer: Mental Performance Tools.  If you’re not seeing the results you want, then this is the workbook for you.


Learn to set records and use your mental performance tools for greater success.  Will be available soon as a monthly and yearly workbook.



Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

The #1 Secret to Reaching Your Peak Performance Level
By Mohamed Tohamil

By the time you finish reading this article you’ll discover the #1 secret to reaching your peak performance level.

It has been proven again and again that all successful people have used this secret at some point in their lives, and that this secret is responsible for generating successful people and financial giants each and every day. Read more

My  Comment:  Mentoring allows you to create something greater than you initially started with. Not just copy someone’s past success.

Focused Priorities Fuel Leadership Success
By Pat Heydlauff

What are your leadership responsibilities – engaging the workforce, hiring, acquisitions, financial planning, visioneering, innovation? Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of General Electric, believed he had only three things to do as a leader: choose the right people, allocate the right funds and transmit ideas from division to division at the speed of light. Read more

My  Comment:  This article can also be applied to entrepreneurial leadership or corporate entrepreneurship

7 Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day For Peak Performance
By Jason Brick

The life of an entrepreneur is hard. It demands your time and energy, and it often torpedoes relationships and other aspects of your life outside of work. It pulls you in so many directions at once that it’s hard to find a clear path. Read more

My  Comment:  Knowing your why (relationship between motivation and inspiration) is essential for you to thrive


Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

1 Weekly Habit That Will Push You to Peak Performance

In 15 minutes a week, you can get closer to your optimal work life.
Most of us have the desire to be high-performing. The alternative is boredom and less personal pride. Entrepreneurs especially, with their names on the sign, aim high. Read more

My Comment:  This article really gets to the importance of asking the right questions.  In anything you pursue, instead of reaching a comfort zone or boredom ask the right questions to set a record (your personal best or a world record).  I believe health and having the tools to set records are the keys to living a great life.

Peak Performance In The Workplace

THE old joke — How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice — is getting a scientific spin. Researchers are finding an unexpected potency from deliberate practice in world-class competitions of all kinds, including chess matches, musical recitals and sporting events.  Read more

My  Comment:  Training is important, however, be sure to pick up on the importance of motivation and the need to perform entrepreneurial to eliminate patterns that are causing stagnation that once worked, create breakthroughs, and eliminate boredom.

The New Corporate Ethic

Corporations today are committed to helping organizations empower their people with high-performance work styles. People who are identified as peak performers, even in high stress environments have mastered the skills top achievers in all disciplines possess. We share the secrets of renewing oneself in a high-stress world.

In a fast-paced and ever-changing workplace, we are all concerned about stress, burnout and how to achieve peak levels of performance on an ongoing basis. We propose the Sports Metaphor to help your people move away from burnout, stress and chaos toward peak performance.

Part of the answer to reversing declining levels of performance lies in empowering individuals at all levels of the organization to effectively combat stress and to rise above daily challenges to strive toward self-mastery, which ultimately leads to organizational wellness. All levels of the organization can then learn how to partner to create individual and organizational health.  Read more

My comment:  Towards the end this article has one of the best descriptions of being “in the zone” (feels effortless, everything is in slow motion, you accomplish spectacular, great, wow, amazing, etc.! )

Value of Consistency

team hands

There are several reasons one succeeds in a specific goal, project, or endeavor.  Think of a success you’ve had.  Can you write the key components for success on this goal, project, or endeavor?  What made it work and enjoyable?  

Did you list the word “consistency”?  The value of consistency produces tremendous benefits towards your success. After attending a leadership team building session, I noticed as the team members progressed through the stations the ability to work together became easier.  Why?

Initially, we had to discover the best approach to take.  As the day went on we honed our approach to the following:

1.  Someone in the group suggested an initial strategy and if it was good we used it.

2.   We listened to ideas.  This was essential to improving our initial strategy.  Do you listen to ideas in your company to improve performance?

3.  We went with the best idea(s) to create a better strategy.

4.  Then we had to perform as a team and individually to achieve better results.

5.  We “consistently” applied this approach.  Once we realized we had a methodology it became easier to accomplish our goals.

By the end of the day, we realized the value of consistency.  Did you list consistency as a key component to your success?

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at raj@rajgavurla.com with your date, time and location to book your date today!