Tag Archives for " time "

10 Easier Tips for Home, Job, and Work Success Living With A Mental Health Condition

“Help people live their greatest dreams and goals.” – Raj Gavurla

To help you with mental health continuum in your organization. As a very strong mental health advocate this is my solution to learn how to make it easier. This is at home and in the workplace in addition to the right treatment (with or without medication) and/or the right therapy.


1. Employers allow people with a mental health condition to work with highly individually customized (reasonable) accommodations, right support system, and right support services .  It’s very rewarding making an employee’s life better and benefit doing so because they continue to deliver a good job and good work for you in a capacity that benefits everyone involved.

2. Have dreams and goals for your life and work.  See yourself successful.

3.  Learn how to control your emotion using right thinking if having intrusive thoughts or images using your wisdom.

Phrases: “I control emotion.”, “I don’t see that.” or “Don’t see that”, “I don’t hear that.” or “Don’t hear that”. 

4.  Listen to the right people.  

5. Listen to your body

6. Easier nutrition (no refined sugar, limit or no caffeine, 3-4 servings of fruit and veggies, 8 glasses of water, limit or no fried foods, limit or no alcohol, limit or no cheese, limit dessert, limit or no candy, limit or no late night eating)

7. Walk/Exercise and/or Run in a way towards your fitness goals without injury. Answer: What will be easier for you to do with you being fit?

8. Meditate for an hour daily. Feel your neurotransmitters and endorphins flow through your body.

9. Read to learn something for at least 20 minutes a day and apply the learning.

10. Do my mental performance skills and life tools workbook.

If interested, in your specific situation towards your greatest dreams and goals for you or someone contact me at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.” – William Arthur Ward

What Does It Take To Achieve World’s Best?

“Integrated are family as faith and/or belief system, culture, personality, and identity.”

 – Raj Gavurla

Usain Bolt was a tremendous champion! I wish his career didn’t end with an injury. Do you win to compete, believe, dream, and achieve World’s Best? If so, you apply learning from others is essential, however, it’s your and only your uniqueness and difference that propels you to World’s Best! Usain Bolt consistently showed the world he was the World’s Best! There will never be another like him!





‎Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of others, instead, seek what they sought. Matsuo Basho

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com, LiiiVEN

Prevent and Cure Clients, Employees, and Athletes Burnout

“Transform your business with meaningful performance and innovation/entrepreneurial leadership.” – Raj Gavurla 

 globe hands

Meaningful Forward Performance Motivation and Inspiration

Win your personal best records and as one constantly does their best consistently they will continue to learn to perform better at what they are doing. On a given day it might be you won a meaningful award and money. It’s this essential aspiration to learn how to win personal best records to perform better at what you are doing that makes what you do meaningful, fun, rewarding, and enjoyable. One will never maximize this if they only work on performance technique. They also need to work on their mental performance skills to transform their performance and innovation/entrepreneurial leadership in business/education, work, sports, and life.

Creative Innovation Tools

You are doing the above and there is still burnout.  Why?  Because you aren’t innovating to win personal best records since the innovation(s) you have need to continue to develop, build, grow, and/or become what makes you unique and different.  There are creative innovation tools to help your neuroplasticity mind.  Some say we use one percent to ten percent of our mind’s ability.  So that means there’s ninety percent not being used.  I posit there is an “endless amount not being used” since you have a neuroplasticity brain.

Entrepreneurial Leadership

So now that you understand this concept and are using creative innovation tools why still the burnout?  Because entrepreneurial leadership isn’t being exhibited in a meaningful financial (monetize) way because the financial mechanisms (funding and resources), reward mechanisms, incentive mechanisms, and partnering mechanisms were at one time the best, however, now they also need creative innovation(s).

Three questions to transform your business:

1.  Are you using your current strategies and innovations to win personal best records?

2.  Does your team have an innovation process to create innovation(s)?  This isn’t just for individuals in management.

3.  Why don’t you work on innovating your business with unique and different entrepreneurial leadership for meaningful better outcomes creating financial mechanisms (funding and resources), reward mechanisms, incentive mechanisms, and partnering mechanisms for forward performance?

Learn how to learn and apply the learning to continue going through living a robust life.  It’s meaningful, fun, rewarding, and enjoyable.  It’s important to include fun business outings and activities/sports/games on company time for social/networking with each other to get to know each other.  Why?  Because it makes it easier to transform your business with performance and innovation/entrepreneurial leadership.

This prevents and cures clients, employees, and athletes burnout for meaningful better outcomes.  You have gifts, talents, and skills.  Develop, build, grow them and discover new gifts, talents, and skills to develop, build, and grow making you unique and different.  It’s Friday.  What are you looking forward to experiencing this weekend with your family and friends?

 Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. – Les Brown

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com, LiiiVEN.


You Are Gifted, Talented, and Skilled

“Gladly believe in your dreams to win paid better outcomes (personal best records).”

– Raj Gavurla

time to believe

Gladly Believe In Your Dreams

Yes, you! Gladly performance motivation and inspiration not self-esteem.  You have gifts, talents, and skills you are not aware of because they haven’t been needed.  Since your gladly doing the right things, your new gifts, talents, and skills surface.   When this happens you increase your situational awareness and better outcomes in all aspects of life.

Win Paid Better Outcomes (Personal Best Records)

Win by establishing your baseline performance.  Then use strategies to win your personal best record.  As you do so you are being paid.  Your pay might not be monetary (you set a personal best record) and then the monetary pay comes to you.  You don’t need to chase it.

This is the essence of life.  It is what separates your best from status quo, existing, and apathy.

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C. S. Lewis

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Entrepreneurial Leadership: Grow, Build, Develop (Invest)

“Grow, build, and develop the right way.” – Raj Gavurla

In the following weeks, I will focus on delivering practical and pragmatic entrepreneurial leadership tools.  To receive these entrepreneurial leadership tools and much more you can invest in my manual Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools.  

Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools Manual

Buy now: motivateyourresults.com

This week we’ll apply the entrepreneurial leadership learning to the importance of invest.

Invest, Save, Benefits, Entrepreneurial Fund (EF)


Invest in yourself.  So where are you investing your time, work, and money?  Really think about it as “investing”.  If you’re investing in thinking about everything you don’t have, then you’re investing in the wrong area.

So, take a look at your dollars.  Where are they being invested? Are you investing in the right shelter, foods, time, work, and activities.  Then mark each as growing, building, developing, or sustaining.

You need to have a growing area.  This is revenue generating with future growth potential.  It might stay constant for a while, however, as you consistently do better there should be some growth or a growth spurt to open up more revenue.

You need a building area.  You can build on what is growing or on what is developing.  This is what you do.

You need a development area.  This is where an idea is fertilized.  As you proceed, a business or project goes through the stages from development to building to growing.  Regardless of what stage an idea or endeavor or project is in, you need your pipeline filled with at least one idea/endeavor or project in each of these three areas.

The fourth area, sustaining, is doing what sustains you to grow using mental routine(s), emotion, physical, and spiritual growth.

What’s growing (this is what’s working)?


What’s building?


What’s in development?


What sustains you to grow using mental routine(s), emotion, physical, and spiritual growth?


Make sure you have assets to show for areas you are growing, building, developing, and sustaining.  No matter what happens, these assets give you a foundation to consistently do better.  Make sure you express them in a positive way aligned with your next initiative(s), endeavor(s), or project(s).

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old but on building the new. Unknown

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Entrepreneurial Leadership: Grow, Build, Develop (Probability (Uncertainty))

“Grow, build, and develop the right way.” – Raj Gavurla

In the following weeks, I will focus on delivering practical and pragmatic entrepreneurial leadership tools.  To receive these entrepreneurial leadership tools and much more you can invest in my manual Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools.  

Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools Manual

Buy now: motivateyourresults.com

This week we’ll apply the entrepreneurial leadership learning to the importance of probability (uncertainty).

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #1:

Entrepreneurial Success =

(Time (1 or 0) + Work (1 or 0) + Money (1 or 0)) x Probability (1, .5, or 0) 

Probability (Uncertainty) (1, .5, or 0)

In 2017 where are you investing your entrepreneurial leadership?  To maximize entrepreneurial leadership you want to invest in projects/endeavors at various stages and at various times with varying probability (uncertainty).  Yes, the probability (uncertainty) of you being alive tomorrow has a probability factor based on lots of living factors.

In your business and projects, you want meaningful work with a probability (uncertainty) of a 1 (do it now), .5 (carefully consider doing it), and 0 (don’t do it).  There are no other numbers besides 1, .5, or 0.  If probability (uncertainty) is a 1 then you know what to do.  If it’s a .5 how to make it a 1 is very important to determine.  If it is a 0 then it’s not worth investing.  Don’t try to make a 0 a .5 or a 1.  You’ll be wasting your time.  Better results and time are of most value to you.

Therefore, Entrepreneurial Success = (Time + Work + Money) x Probability (Uncertainty)

Ex. 1: Entrepreneurial Success  = (1+1+1) x (1) = 3 (do it now)

Ex. 2: Entrepreneurial Success  = (1+1+1) x (.5) = carefully consider it (how to make it a 3?)

Ex. 3: Entrepreneurial Success  = (any total other than 3 for time, work, money) x (any probability) = don’t do it

Let go of those who bring you down and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you. Unknown

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Money (1 or 0)

In 2017 where are you investing your money?  To maximize your money you want to invest in high-value services and products with ten times the return on investment (ROI).

Q1: Do your research and preparation show your suppliers service(s) and/or product(s) are of high value towards your objectives?

This focuses on the qualitative aspects of doing business.  For example, setting a record, a pilot, image, brand awareness,  and having more than one supplier so you’re more efficient and effective.

Q2: How do you determine there will be a ten times return on your investment?

This focuses on the quantitative aspects of doing business.  The robust investments/projects return ten times greater ROI upon completion of the investment/project.  If it makes sense to reinvest and/or add service(s) and product(s), then best to do so.  All others vary based on time period.  Work with your supplier to determine how to receive high value and ten times the ROI.

Think of three investments made in your business?

1.  Invested in a marketing campaign

Depending on if this is already a revenue producing service or product or if it is a pilot the same formula applies:

Investment = High Value and ten times the ROI

In a marketing campaign of high value is brand awareness.  Also, you need to determine the way to receive ten times the ROI.  The reason is because your project and business are unsustainable without it.

2.  Invested in technology

Of high value are increased capabilities, efficiency, ease of use, and status.  Also, you need to determine the way to receive ten times the ROI.  The reason is because your project and business are unsustainable without it.

Investment = High Value and ten times the ROI

3. Invested in education

Of high value are increased skillset, get a better job and new opportunities, and adding your skillset to another market.  Also, you need to determine the way to receive ten times the ROI.  The reason is because your education/learning and business are unsustainable without it.

Investment = High Value and ten times the ROI

4.  Think of three private investments made?

Examples are a house, car, healthcare, and the food you eat.  Of high value are shelter, safety, warmth, nutrition, and good health.  Also, you need to determine the way to receive ten times the ROI.  The reason is because your living is unsustainable without it.

Investment = High Value and ten times the ROI

I will cover funding (entrepreneurial fund (EF)) when I teach my second Entrepreneurial Success Tool.

Calculate your qualitative (high value) and quantitative (ROI) for each of the above.  Are you researching, is your preparation, and investments done with the right mindset?  Determine how high value delivers a ten times ROI for you.

“Your qualitative drives your quantitative.” – Raj Gavurla

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Work (1 or 0)

In 2017 where are you investing your work?  To maximize work you want to do work that is meaningful, has value, and is important to you.  This includes work that has value in your business, professional association(s) member volunteer work, community volunteer and advocacy work, home project(s), and faith-based volunteer work.  To reiterate, it should be meaningful to you, has value, and is important to you.  This doesn’t mean it needs to be work your family or friends want to do.  It’s work you want to do.  In the Entrepreneurial Success Formula work has a value of “1” (has value to the company) or “0” (no value to the company).

Don’t let someone who gave up on their dreams talk you out of going after yours.” – Zig Ziglar

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Time (1 or 0)

In 2017 where are you investing your time?  You want to maximize your time.  This has the most value to you in living your great dreams, goals, vision, and mission.  The best way to maximize your time is to prepare.

Do you attend a meeting by preparing?  This is the number one reason one person does business with you versus with another person.

Do you schedule an in-person meeting when a meeting isn’t wanted?

Do you schedule a conference call when an in-person meeting is wanted?

Do you return a phone call or reply to an e-mail?

As a humanitarian and citizen, maximizing your time gives you the time to do community volunteer and advocacy work.

Put your criteria to determine the best approach for you and the other party.  Just because you or they want it doesn’t mean it’s the best approach.  Only, do what adds value for the both of you.  Next week, we’ll apply the entrepreneurial leadership learning to the importance of your work.  In the Entrepreneurial Success Formula time has a value of “1” (can be done in a timely manner/worth the time) or “0” (time prohibitive).

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #2:

Invest, Save, Benefits, Entrepreneurial Fund (EF)

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tools #3:

Grow, Build, Develop

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tools #4:

Performance Shift (PS) and Entrepreneurial Shift (ES)

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #5:

Better Results / Faster

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #6:

Do 1% Better

 I will add more.  To receive these tools and much more you can invest in my manual Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools.  Buy now: motivateyourresults.com

Every moment you live in the past is a moment you waste in the present. Tony Robbins

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Entrepreneurial Leadership: Grow, Build, Develop (Money)

“Grow, build, and develop the right way.” – Raj Gavurla

In the following weeks, I will focus on delivering practical and pragmatic entrepreneurial leadership tools.  To receive these entrepreneurial leadership tools and much more you can invest in my manual Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools.  

Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools Manual

Buy now: motivateyourresults.com

This week we’ll apply the entrepreneurial leadership learning to the importance of your money.

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #1:

Entrepreneurial Success =

(Time (1 or 0) + Work (1 or 0) + Money (1 or 0)) x Probability (1, .5, or 0) 

Money (1 or 0)

In 2017 where are you investing your money?  To maximize your money you want to invest in high-value services and products with ten times the return on investment (ROI).

Q1: Do your research and preparation show your suppliers service(s) and/or product(s) are of high value towards your objectives?

This focuses on the qualitative aspects of doing business.  For example, setting a record, a pilot, image, brand awareness,  and having more than one supplier so you’re more efficient and effective.

Q2: How do you determine there will be a ten times return on your investment?

This focuses on the quantitative aspects of doing business.  The robust investments/projects return ten times greater ROI upon completion of the investment/project.  If it makes sense to reinvest and/or add service(s) and product(s), then best to do so.  All others vary based on time period.  Work with your supplier to determine how to receive high value and ten times the ROI.

Think of three investments made in your business?

1.  Invested in a marketing campaign

Depending on if this is already a revenue producing service or product or if it is a pilot the same formula applies:

Investment = High Value and ten times the ROI

In a marketing campaign of high value is brand awareness.  Also, you need to determine the way to receive ten times the ROI.  The reason is because your project and business are unsustainable without it.

2.  Invested in technology

Of high value are increased capabilities, efficiency, ease of use, and status.  Also, you need to determine the way to receive ten times the ROI.  The reason is because your project and business are unsustainable without it.

Investment = High Value and ten times the ROI

3. Invested in education

Of high value are increased skillset, get a better job and new opportunities, and adding your skillset to another market.  Also, you need to determine the way to receive ten times the ROI.  The reason is because your education/learning and business are unsustainable without it.

Investment = High Value and ten times the ROI

4.  Think of three private investments made?

Examples are a house, car, healthcare, and the food you eat.  Of high value are shelter, safety, warmth, nutrition, and good health.  Also, you need to determine the way to receive ten times the ROI.  The reason is because your living is unsustainable without it.

Investment = High Value and ten times the ROI

I will cover funding (entrepreneurial fund (EF)) when I teach my second Entrepreneurial Success Tool.

Calculate your qualitative (high value) and quantitative (ROI) for each of the above.  Are you researching, is your preparation, and investments done with the right mindset?  Determine how high value delivers a ten times ROI for you.

“Your qualitative drives your quantitative.” – Raj Gavurla

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Work (1 or 0)

In 2017 where are you investing your work?  To maximize work you want to do work that is meaningful, has value, and is important to you.  This includes work that has value in your business, professional association(s) member volunteer work, community volunteer and advocacy work, home project(s), and faith-based volunteer work.  To reiterate, it should be meaningful to you, has value, and is important to you.  This doesn’t mean it needs to be work your family or friends want to do.  It’s work you want to do.  In the Entrepreneurial Success Formula work has a value of “1” (has value to the company) or “0” (no value to the company).

Don’t let someone who gave up on their dreams talk you out of going after yours.” – Zig Ziglar

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Time (1 or 0)

In 2017 where are you investing your time?  You want to maximize your time.  This has the most value to you in living your great dreams, goals, vision, and mission.  The best way to maximize your time is to prepare.

Do you attend a meeting by preparing?  This is the number one reason one person does business with you versus with another person.

Do you schedule an in-person meeting when a meeting isn’t wanted?

Do you schedule a conference call when an in-person meeting is wanted?

Do you return a phone call or reply to an e-mail?

As a humanitarian and citizen, maximizing your time gives you the time to do community volunteer and advocacy work.

Put your criteria to determine the best approach for you and the other party.  Just because you or they want it doesn’t mean it’s the best approach.  Only, do what adds value for the both of you.  Next week, we’ll apply the entrepreneurial leadership learning to the importance of your work.  In the Entrepreneurial Success Formula time has a value of “1” (can be done in a timely manner/worth the time) or “0” (time prohibitive).

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #2:

Invest, Save, Benefits, Entrepreneurial Fund (EF)

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tools #3:

Grow, Build, Develop

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tools #4:

Performance Shift (PS) and Entrepreneurial Shift (ES)

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #5:

Better Results / Faster

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #6:

Do 1% Better

 I will add more.  To receive these tools and much more you can invest in my manual Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools.  Buy now: motivateyourresults.com

Every moment you live in the past is a moment you waste in the present. Tony Robbins

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.