Tag Archives for " medicine "

Experiencing Intelligent Breakthroughs – Good Health: It’s Systemic!

“Make lives better experiencing intelligent breakthroughs in performance and life high value money. 

Intelligent business as a calling” – Raj Gavurla

globe people

This perspective will either challenge, motivate, inspire, or encourage you to live a greater destiny or make you mad for the greater good.  When I look at the end in mind first, what people need and want is to live a healthy life that catalyzes their independence to live their greatest dreams – freedom.  This means not experiencing medical hardship inhibiting them from doing so and if they pass away they want to do so peacefully.  However, on a larger scale this isn’t happening although people are living longer and we hope individualized medicine will have us living forever.  There will be advancements in medicine.  Age has nothing to do with it as I know, see, and read about people passing away at different ages. I wish it didn’t happen.

What can we do now to create a better future?  There is amazing education and amazing medical treatments yet the silos we live in including our laws (suppose to make it better not harder) are keeping us from living a robust life.  There needs to be a holistic community coordinated effort between the individual, family, employers, providers, insurers, faith and/or belief system.  Only the people who need to know know about the person’s challenge and show dignity for the person (grace).    In the process, you are making lives better to earn performance and life breakthroughs to earn better money.  That’s better business.  Think, feel,  research better outcomes, see, and hear the better outcomes. Business as a calling (bring life).

What could this look like?  There needs to be a protocol for each health challenge similar to the concussion protocol in the NBA.  As an employer, your employees are of greatest value to you and as you and they catalyze their learning, development, and growth they catalyze your business to serve your clients for greater economic mobility for clients, employees, families, friends, community, and society to rejoice and share the essence of living.  Lots of fun living a greater destiny. Amazing!

However, our current system doesn’t show the flow of the individual through the services to see the better patient outcomes.  This is non-sense.  Yes, many people receive treatment and they are well and this is a better patient outcome living a robust life.  However, an increasing number are shuttled through a maze of providers and since they aren’t educated on health they do as told until the results aren’t there or there is a systemic challenge to follow the treatment plan including devastating side effects.  There are too many people suffering and struggling in this jungle and it can all be avoided by coordinating (implementing the adaptability link) between each of the silos.

There are so many treatments to choose from and the doctors need to learn what they are even if it means the patient will be treated elsewhere.  They might or might not receive a referral fee.  The point is enabling better patient outcomes.  By implementing this approach twenty years of surviving, struggling, and/or suffering are eschewed to one year or less.  Look at all the wasted time, money, and talent not working a job of their choice congruent with their skill set to contribute to society.

What are the initiatives before we get to individualized medicine for better patient outcomes which obviously the doctors (love seeing their patients succeed)  also need and want?

1.  Implement the adaptability link (interconnect) between the current silos and learn and apply practical mental performance and life breakthroughs skills.

2.  Doctors learn and apply the importance of interaction and communication skills to help a person who is sick so there aren’t medical errors.  Realize patients are sick, scared, and/or frightened and their loved ones are caregivers, scared, and/or frightened and most likely praying.

3.  Educate the patient and/or loved ones about conditions there currently isn’t a cure for.

4.  Learn the benefits of daily nutrition (for starters eat a lot of vegetables and fruits that make you feel good with each meal, and drink eight glasses of water).

5.  Learn to listen to your body to exercise in a serious and fun way without causing injury to make your life better to earn performance and life breakthroughs daily.  Use a lot of win forward fun variety.

6.  You are a person and therefore you are an expert on your body.  In high schools an anatomy course to educate students so they can have better conversations with their providers will make it better, it might interest them in a medical career, or in a career where a client of theirs is in the medical field.

My health insurance covered the removal of a bone spur.  It covered the many times I had ailments with a known cure very well.  However, at times I wasn’t making health performance breakthroughs and shuttled myself from provider to provider because that’s what insurance covered.  Then, I researched better outcomes and the ankle sprain doctors and physical therapy treated was cured with acupuncture and an extremities chiropractor.  My chronic pain was cured by a recommendation from a doctor to read and practically apply the exercises in the book, Pain Free, by Pete Egoscue.  For non-disclosed health needs, I researched other private pay services.  Why my doctors and insurance company didn’t send me to these resources and services when I wasn’t achieving health performance breakthroughs is non-sense?  Do what it takes for better patient outcomes.

Hobbies and competitive hobbies are important to your employees and people.  I have absolute love and passion for  better basketball.  The people around me didn’t make it easier.  They said “aren’t you too old for that?”,  “people your age don’t do that”, “you’ll get hurt”, “you’ll break your legs”, and so much more non-sense.  To prepare and learn, I see a private pay exercise functional physiologist trainer twice a week at the start, now every two weeks, and learned the stretches and how to strengthen my body and most importantly my mental performance and life breakthroughs skills (my expertise).   I’m playing better basketball with people older and half my age.  Age has nothing to do with it.

I played basketball in the driveways, playgrounds, and gymnasiums of Greenville, SC.  I’ve been called “Air Jordan” on the courts of Southeast D.C. not because of dunking, been called Kobe in Greenville, SC at the YMCA, and been called by a NBA player who said, “I saw Jerry West.”  Obviously, high praise and I am really flattered, honored, and prideful of the words.  My basketball hero is Isiah Lord Thomas.  To forward the NBA, any player needs to “play better basketball” showing they are unique and different.  The foundation (fundamentals) of basketball are present.  It’s your uniqueness and you are different (combined: the person) is the reason you are paid millions.  It always amazes me how basketball players look similar but they defend, ball-handling, pass, shoot, rebound, run, and forward the NBA in a unique and different way.

With the process of solving the systemic silos you are making lives better to earn performance and life breakthroughs to earn better money.  That’s better incentive and better business.  Think.  Look at all the wasted time, money, and talent not working a job of their choice because there are not better patient outcomes because of the systemic silos that exist between the individual, family, employers, providers, insurers, faith and/or belief system not being congruent with the skill set of the patient to contribute to society.  Stop the silos!  Live a greater destiny!  You’re on team (together everyone achieves more) humanity.  Do it for humanity!

If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started I was desperately

wishing to be where I am now.” – Unknown

For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Stop Struggling Or Suffering: Personalize A Positive Not A Negative

“Personalize a positive not a negative.” – Raj Gavurla

Struggling or Suffering










To stop struggling or suffering we must learn to stop internalizing things and instead share with the right person or people. Approach them the right way.

What are you struggling or suffering with?


1. Your health is not as good as you want although you sought medical care. Please don’t internalize things by thinking something is “wrong with you.” Instead, share with your healthcare providers how you feel/your feelings, and what you are experiencing.  Be sure to research other treatments and pursue what makes sense to you. Please don’t have fatalistic thinking such as “I’ll be like this for a long time or forever.”

A very motivating, educating, and inspiring scene on Saturday made me think. I saw two people playing wheelchair tennis. I had only seen this on t.v. When they first became handicapped, I imagine life looked bleak. Each responded with resilient fortitude to enjoy, be rewarded, and have fun playing tennis. Amazing! I would love to see them walking and playing tennis. That would endlessly thrill me. Wanting more for another person (others) and someone wanting more for you is living a robust life.

2. In school or at work are you making the progress and advancements you want or need? If not, test this strategy. Learn the history of the field. New neural learning connections form in your brain to make it easier on yourself to learn the new material. Also, learn by researching and talking with the right people to learn the knowledge you need and then deliberately practice the knowledge for it to become skill. Skill is applied knowledge at the appropriate time. To make advancements, use creativity and innovation to make it more meaningful to you. What do I mean? Some things have the same structure whether it’s what you are working on, school work, a football, basketball, soccer, tennis, or golf game, track meet, a song, or a documentary. After having the knowledge and skill, it’s your ability to create and innovate that makes it of value (valuable) to you and to others. This is more enjoyable, rewarding, and fun for you. Test it.

3. If a loved one is struggling or suffering, it doesn’t mean you need to struggle or suffer. Instead, help them and support them with your love, kindness, share meaningful things with each other, and learn medicine to have conversations with them about their treatment plan. It’s very humane to do so. You’ll receive tremendous fulfillment and learn more about the greater significance of relationships.

4. Do what you love or like. If you don’t love it or like it and/or it doesn’t make sense then don’t do it.  Look into it more if that’s important to you.