Live Well Consistently Performing Experiencing Intelligent Breakthroughs In Your Performance & Life:
You have an intrinsic relationships between your motivation and inspiration.
This week learn to Teach The Best Attitude. What controls it? Why is it almost any need or problem people jump to attitude as an explanation of success or non-success.
This helps you. Answer the questions:
1. What is your focused best vision?
2. What breakthroughs are you working on?
3. Do you teach the best attitude?
“The Zone” Effect:
By many “the zone” effect is described as everything is in slow motion, time stands still (isn’t a deterring factor), and your life and performance feels effortless.
My “The Zone” Effect:
I was driving in Greenville, SC and looked at the sky.
2. Weeks later, I looked at the sky and the sun’s beams of light radiated through the clouds depicting an amazing waterfall.
Since your “the zone” effects are important to me, my Facebook Live videos on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s will include a “The Zone” Effect of mine. You have “The Zone” Effects. Do you have awareness of them? We’ll have fun with “The Zone” Effect continuum.
Your Most Recent “The Zone” Effect
What consistently forward intelligent breakthroughs are you experiencing? Please send me a personal message and I will reply.
“Being someone else is a waste of your time” – Anonymous
For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315,
I’ve been using my performance, life, innovation and entrepreneurial leadership tools in my speaking programs, private performance and life consulting, and coaching. This tool among other concepts and tools appear in my Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools manual, Your Raise The Bar: Mental Performance Tools workbooks for business/education, sports, and Winning At Entrepreneurship. There are more resources to help you at
“Take care of your mind. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Raj Gavurla
My teammates said, “there’s Manuel. He’s coming.” My tennis coach, Manuel, walked by the fence and I asked him “Coach, did you bring your workbook?” He left it at home. Then we played and coach was encouraging.
He asked what have you been doing to play so well? I said, completing my Your Raise The Bar Primer: Mental Performance Tools workbook. He said yes, but how the rapid increase in skill. I said, in addition to the workbook I’ve been using my private advanced mental performance breakthroughs skills coaching sessions. People pay for that.
Then, he evaluated me instead of giving me feedback. He said, I like this (the proportionally increasing line) using his finger, then he leveled it, and then it went downward. He said the increasing and level is better. You lost focus on the downward part. Then, he said, “be careful”.
While using my workbook to evaluate my performance and to write what I am working on for more “win fun tennis”, I reflected on how I could “be careful”. On the downward part, I wasn’t using my new focus technique before serving the ball and my mind’s eye. I’m looking forward to my deliberate practice session to practically apply what I learned and to my next match.
If sports doesn’t produce income for you, how about using my workbook, private mental performance breakthroughs learning sessions (workshops), and highly customized individualized coaching for business and education in your workplace. Yes, coaching use to be paid only for executives, however, you’ll create mental performance breakthroughs to listen to learn good to win fun, better earning, and experience greater when you use it throughout your workplace.
“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.” – Seth Godin
For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315,, LiiiVEN.
“Integrated are family as faith and/or belief system, culture, personality, and identity.”
– Raj Gavurla
Usain Bolt was a tremendous champion! I wish his career didn’t end with an injury. Do you win to compete, believe, dream, and achieve World’s Best? If so, you apply learning from others is essential, however, it’s your and only your uniqueness and difference that propels you to World’s Best! Usain Bolt consistently showed the world he was the World’s Best! There will never be another like him!
“Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of others, instead, seek what they sought.” Matsuo Basho
For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315,, LiiiVEN
“Transform your business with meaningful performance and innovation/entrepreneurial leadership.” – Raj Gavurla
Meaningful Forward Performance Motivation and Inspiration
Win your personal best records and as one constantly does their best consistently they will continue to learn to perform better at what they are doing. On a given day it might be you won a meaningful award and money. It’s this essential aspiration to learn how to win personal best records to perform better at what you are doing that makes what you do meaningful, fun, rewarding, and enjoyable. One will never maximize this if they only work on performance technique. They also need to work on their mental performance skills to transform their performance and innovation/entrepreneurial leadership in business/education, work, sports, and life.
Creative Innovation Tools
You are doing the above and there is still burnout. Why? Because you aren’t innovating to win personal best records since the innovation(s) you have need to continue to develop, build, grow, and/or become what makes you unique and different. There are creative innovation tools to help your neuroplasticity mind. Some say we use one percent to ten percent of our mind’s ability. So that means there’s ninety percent not being used. I posit there is an “endless amount not being used” since you have a neuroplasticity brain.
Entrepreneurial Leadership
So now that you understand this concept and are using creative innovation tools why still the burnout? Because entrepreneurial leadership isn’t being exhibited in a meaningful financial (monetize) way because the financial mechanisms (funding and resources), reward mechanisms, incentive mechanisms, and partnering mechanisms were at one time the best, however, now they also need creative innovation(s).
Three questions to transform your business:
1. Are you using your current strategies and innovations to win personal best records?
2. Does your team have an innovation process to create innovation(s)? This isn’t just for individuals in management.
3. Why don’t you work on innovating your business with unique and different entrepreneurial leadership for meaningful better outcomes creating financial mechanisms (funding and resources), reward mechanisms, incentive mechanisms, and partnering mechanisms for forward performance?
Learn how to learn and apply the learning to continue going through living a robust life. It’s meaningful, fun, rewarding, and enjoyable. It’s important to include fun business outings and activities/sports/games on company time for social/networking with each other to get to know each other. Why? Because it makes it easier to transform your business with performance and innovation/entrepreneurial leadership.
This prevents and cures clients, employees, and athletes burnout for meaningful better outcomes. You have gifts, talents, and skills. Develop, build, grow them and discover new gifts, talents, and skills to develop, build, and grow making you unique and different. It’s Friday. What are you looking forward to experiencing this weekend with your family and friends?
“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” – Les Brown
For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315,, LiiiVEN.
“Consistently perform well in all aspects of life: Win and make better money the right way.”
– Raj Gavurla
Something annoys me every time it happens. While doing my track training at a local high school (the high school is not important) I see and hear teenagers using racial slurs and denigrating each other. I know we are taking about teenagers whether they are thinking they are “being cool” or “using it as intimidation”.
A few days ago, it was something I hadn’t seen before. Football players were using racial slurs while their coaches were present. One set of coaches were high school coaches and the other set of coaches were coaching middle school kids preparing to play for their high school. Racial slurs were being used by the high school teenagers to their teammates during practice and while taking water breaks. The middle school team wasn’t using racial slurs or denigrating each other. In fact, during their conditioning a teammate was last in finishing his track work and the whole team ran to him with him finishing ahead of some of them on purpose. Obviously, learning how to run track would make it easier for this boy as the players and coaches are relying mostly on talent at that age so he doesn’t always finish last.
Stopping the “nonsense” of teammates using racial slurs and denigrating each other has high-value worth for forward performance progress socially and environmentally. Leadership by the coaches would be of great use. If I was a coach, I wouldn’t allow my players (team) to use racial slurs or denigrating word choices. My working with athletes at all levels the use of racial slurs and denigrating word choices might work temporarily but not as they progress to realize it takes real learning and application of skill to progress from high school to college to professional in anything they choose to do in education, sports, business, and life.
Cultivating this approach develops, builds, and grows character and dignity which is of high-value worth as we are experiencing societal and cultural transformation in America and throughout the globe.
“Do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315,, LiiiVEN.
“You Don’t Need To Live A Double Life In Your Workplace.” – Raj Gavurla
Do you come to your job or the playing field leading a double life? You don’t need to. How is this possible? I’m there to work (complete tasks, etc.). That’s what they pay me to do. Years ago there was a job I inquired about with someone who worked for the company. He proceeded to tell me “you have to set up equipment”. I waited to see if he had more to say. He didn’t. I wasn’t interested in the job. Why? Because work is more to me than completing tasks (it’s part of the job) and receiving benefits. I understand you have family and friends outside of work you have fun, rewarding, and enjoyable camaraderie with. How about having fun, rewarding, and enjoyable camaraderie with your colleagues or teammates?
Camaraderie is one of the keys that keeps employees performing, retains, and recruits. It also plays a major role in wellness (well-being), motivation, inspiration, engagement, a positive attitude, leadership, and execution.
What’s a solution to nurture camaraderie in the workplace? By using a small group personal team matters approach. Do you have thousands, hundreds, less than fifty, ten to twenty, five or fewer employees or teammates? The larger the business, organization, or team the harder it is to have camaraderie with everyone. Regardless of size test the following:
Break up into “small personal teams”. A “small personal team” is a group that discusses (has dialogue) about personal matters not directly related to your job. For example, your family, what you’re doing this weekend, what you did this past weekend, your health, nutrition, fitness, your parents, kids aspirations, your non-work challenges, crisis, someone passing, accident, hobbies, movie, best place to get something, book you’re reading, mountains, sports, festivals, etc. Apply the learning.
A Customized Structure Might Look Like:
1. Ask people to participate sharing why. Do not require them to participate.
2. For those who join a personal matters team, make what’s discussed confidential. That doesn’t mean you can’t share your situation with someone outside of your group. Use your discretion.
3. Meet once a week for 45 minutes to an hour in a quiet place (conference room, courtyard, etc.)
4. Talk about and share personal matters important to each group member
5. Close the meeting
Use Metrics and Collect Data On The Outcomes:
Are employees mentally performing better?
Is employee retention increasing?
Is it easier to recruit?
What effect does it have on wellness (well-being), motivation, and inspiration?
What effect does it have on engagement, a positive attitude, leadership, and execution?
Small Personal Matters Team Examples:
Look at an amazing family
Look at a business team. One of the things employees, athletes, investors, donors, and philanthropists look at is the teamwork exhibited.
Look at our military. They have tremendous camaraderie protecting each other, to survive, and protect us. They know each other and have nicknames for each other making it easier to accomplish their mission.
Look at a sports team and you hear athletes talk about the camaraderie or if retired the camaraderie is what they miss.
I remember from reading Oscar Robertson’s biography he worked with people of a different skin color and they never had time for camaraderie. Just do the work because in those times that’s how it was. People didn’t know each other at work and never met outside of work with people of a different skin color. He said, “that hurt”. I’m sure some people of the other skin color had the same thought and feeling, “that hurt”. Thankfully, we the people have made tremendous cultural and societal progress.
Another example, I went to college to graduate/get an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering. That was the main goal. It’s the camaraderie with a few friends I remember and miss most. Although we don’t talk often or see each other as often I know, feel, sense, and believe we are connected forever.
My final example are my friends from Leadership Greenville. I shared with a small personal matters group my mom had a stroke. One told me his dad passed away from a stroke and another told me they had a family member who had a stroke and it’s a slow process. People get better. Until the emergency personnel told me your mom had a stroke, I’ve heard of the word stroke but knew nothing about it. Learning about a stroke and talking with my small personal matters team gave me lived experience insights I couldn’t get from a textbook that helped me to mentally perform to be a caregiver for my mom to make her well. She is talking better and she needs and wants to walk better and drive a car.
Implementing small personal matters teams in your businesses, organizations, and teams might transform the narratives, conversations, and outcomes. It should be helpful too and take pressure off and inhibit the performance anxiety your employees, team leaders, supervisors, managers, bosses, management, executives, and owners are experiencing. Yes, conventions, conferences, and special events are still needed and wanted for all your employees or sports team to participate in.
“A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.”
– Bruce Lee
For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315,
“Add performance” – Raj Gavurla
People do not like change. First off, it implies something is wrong. Have you heard comments such as “you need to change”, “you need to change your behavior”, or “attitude” without a comment on how to do so? President Obama was a change candidate and so was Donald Trump. A CEO often is hired to create positive change or a turnaround. Many mergers and acquisitions have pursued this reason as well. It happens in sports. I asked my brother-in-law why did the Houston Oilers not keep Bum Phillips? He said they wanted a change. Bum had led two of his teams to the brink of a Superbowl. After being terminated, the Oilers declined for a very long time. All for the sake of change. Change is inevitable, however, there better be more at stake than preserving the status quo or making the numbers look good.
An example is shooting a better golf score when you have to clear the water from the fairway to land on the green. If you practice changing behaviors of how not to hit the water, you’ll improve but not add to your performance (better). You’re using an outdated form of Taylorism that studies and analyzes each piece instead of a better way to achieve your objective(s).
So what’s the solution to change and changing behaviors which are more palatable? The solution is “add performance”. In any situation, whether good or bad follow it with the words “add performance”. Sure, changing behaviors is needed but there is too much emphasis put on changing the behaviors instead of emphasis being placed on “added performance”.
Therefore, for our golf example use “add performance” to hit the ball onto the green. Use imagery to visualize the ball hitting the green and your mind and body will automatically make the necessary adjustments. You don’t need to study each cell and neuron in your body to orient them the right way. Focus on the “added performance”.
In business when deciding on investing in an initiative, does it add value to your organization, do your employees see it of value, and does it generate a good ROI. Use this as a barometer for your initiative and you’ll experience less uninformed political anarchy and useless conflict.
So, do you want clients? Then, “add performance”. Do you want to make high-value money? Then, “add performance”. Do you want health? Then, “add performance”. Do you want a cure? Then, “add performance”. Do you want to lose weight? Then, “add performance”. Do you want a better relationship? Then, add performance. Do you want to stop being tired or fatigued? Then, “add performance”. Do you want a faster run? Then, “add performance”. Do you want your kids to make better grades? Then, “add performance”. Do you want a championship? Then, “add performance”. Do you want a better job? Then, add performance.
For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315,
“Breaking through a performance barrier is counterintuitive.” – Raj Gavurla
Look outside! Did you plant those trees, create the sky, the clouds, warmth of the sun, birds, grass, air, and those mountains? Your answer is “no”. My special news for you is “there are no days off from living”. Believe me, you know why.
In my performance, entrepreneurial leadership, and sports/athletic coaching/consulting, I use to hear from my clients, “I had a bad day”. “I was off today.” No way! When clients receive coaching and complete their Your Raise The Bar Primer: Mental Performance Tools workbook they soon realize what I mean. Daily, I have them rate their day.
An example of their choices and the criteria we agree upon in our session might look like the following:
Auspicious Day
Today is my birthday! Any grand occasion is permissive. Think birthdays of family, anniversaries, graduations, a spiritual occurrence, special recognition (awards), end of a project, a big win, your firsts, and holidays. Do my exercises and stretches.
Robust Day
The list is private to me, however, some items are when I have “unexpected success”. It’s the easiest type of success. When I learn and apply what I learned for better performance. I take what I’ve been working on to the next level. I meditate, do my exercises, and stretches.
Perfect Day
The list is private to me, however, when I do my exercises and stretches, eat right, work, and have something restful, relaxing, fun and enjoyable in the evening. Came up with a “creative innovative inventive entrepreneurial idea”. I meditate.
Very Good Day
The list is private to me, however, when I accomplish a perfect day without coming up with a “creative innovative idea”. I work, eat right, do my exercises, and stretches.
Good Day
The list is private to me, however, when something takes longer than expected or usual and I finally figure it out. I do my exercises and stretches.
Not So Good Day
The list is private to me, however, anything bad that happens to me or someone I know. Also, my computer crashes etc. I didn’t do my exercises and stretches.
My Star
Then I complete “my star” in my workbook by filling in a “new record”, building a relationship forever, and/or “I met someone new” and had a real conversation with them. Success!
I also pray throughout the day when I need or want to. Now, you won’t ever have a “day off from living” or a “bad day”. After sessions with my client, they begin to see how to really use my workbook. They become forward performing instead of “negative” towards them self or others. I’ll repost this on Monday, however, I wanted to give you a high-value target on my birthday, an auspicious day. Apply the practical learning.