Tag Archives for " win "

Living Your Greatest Dreams and Goal Setting Examples

“We don’t need age discrimination: We have babies, kids, teenagers, and adults not young and old people. Be proud of your age. It means you’re living, nurturing, developing, building, growing, evolving, and making breakthroughs in each. Living forever is inevitable.  Apply the learning.”         – Raj Gavurla

“Success is something you attract by the person you become.” – Jim Rohn

If interested, for your specific situation contact me at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com to help you and your team.

Experiencing Human Performance Breakthroughs

“A better way.” – Raj Gavurla

Consistently Perform: Experiencing Intelligent Breakthroughs In Your Performance & Life

Is something signaling you for more success or are you being signaled by a problem or pain?  Learn how to solve your specific situation with my Experiencing Human Performance Breakthroughs model.

Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership

What human performance breakthroughs are you experiencing?

“The Zone” Effect

By many “the zone” effect is described as everything is in slow motion, time stands still (isn’t a deterring factor), and your performance feels effortless.

There are several things that happen when I experience the zone effect.  One thing I notice more and more is my brain already is processing effectively and efficiently while with my mind I feel and see “the zone” .  It’s the better outcomes from being “in the zone” I call “the zone effect”.

My “The Zone” Effects: 

  1.  I created a human performance breakthroughs model.  After watching a video from Dr. Leaf, I adapted what she said to create my model.
  2. I set a swim kicks record on land.
  3. I created a visual that show Performance and Process Outcomes.

Your Most Recent “The Zone” Effect

What breakthroughs are you experiencing?  Please send me a personal message and I will reply.

The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen.” – Rumi

For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.


Experiencing Intelligent Breakthroughs In Your Performance & Life #4: Solve Performance Anxiety

“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.”
– Anonymous


For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Get It Done

“Get it done.” – Raj Gavurla 

Consistently Perform: Experiencing Intelligent Breakthroughs In Your Performance & Life

For those using my Your Raise The Bar Primer: Mental Performance Tools workbook, are you making sure you are writing your clear goal before actually taking action.   It will show you how much easier it is to experience intelligent breakthroughs in your performance and life by doing so.

Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership

“The Zone” Effect

By many “the zone” effect is described as everything is in slow motion, time stands still (isn’t a deterring factor), and your performance feels effortless.

It was Saturday morning and I drove to attend a community breakfast at Nicholtown Missionary Baptist Church.  It’s always nice and amazing meeting people and making friends in their place of worship.  There was an unexpected success.  The pastor wanted me to say the prayer before eating.  My day became auspicious (type of day to write in my workbook).  As I mentally prepared, I told myself “talk from the heart” .   We prayed and it was the first time I’ve lead a prayer in public.  I don’t have the words to describe the amazing feeling running through me.  An amazing “the zone” experience I will recall often.Your Most Recent “The Zone” Effect

Here’s an exercise for you?  Describe what causes performance anxiety and stress.  Then, change each factor so you experience “the zone” the next time you are scheduled to perform.  Performance anxiety and stress are usually caused by a time crunch (doing too much in too little time), environmental, relationship issue, or over thinking.

A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments

can change the course of your life.” – Christopher Germer

For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Experiencing Intelligent Breakthroughs In Your Sports Performance & Life #3


“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.”
– Anonymous


For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

All About Life #3


“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.”
– Anonymous


For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Give Constructive Feedback To Build Authentic Honest Dialogue Trusting Relationships

                         “Build authentic honest dialogue trusting relationships for each person to thrive.”

– Raj Gavurla  


I’ve seen several approaches for giving constructive feedback.  Here’s mine after agreeing giving constructive feedback to build authentic honest dialogue trusting relationships would be better:

1. What can be better?
2. Listen
3. Talk w/ each other to equip (don’t say, “you are suppose to know that” or “you don’t know that”)
4. Reevaluate in the future

Using this framework allows for mental preparation and for mental performance to forward performance of each person involved.


Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.

– Theodore Isaac Rubin

For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Amazing! After 42 Years, I Meet My 3rd Grade Teacher, Mrs. Link (Pelham Rd. Elementary)

         “Have serious fun serving someone.” – Raj Gavurla



Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” – Princess Diana


For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla.

Why Listen To A Speaker?

“Serve, give, do, help your parents and family, organization, teammates, clients,

friends, and others.”– Raj Gavurla

Last week I attended an event where people spoke about their solution for a better living and better future.  Afterwards, we took a break and as I networked with people I asked a few people what were the main points of a specific speaker.  None of them could tell me.  Therefore, it prompted me to write my post on why, how, and what to do when listening to a speaker.


When listening to a speaker, know why you are listening and discover why the speaker is saying what they say.


Listen to how the speaker acknowledges, honors, what are the main points, examples, and stories.

What To Do?

What does the speaker do to connect with the audience.  When a speaker connects that means the audience uses emotional intelligence to take this experiential learning and apply it to benefit their situation and benefit extension by telling someone about the speaker and event. Throughout your life you will be able to recall specifics about the speaker and message (it moved you, an example, phrases, sound bites, stories, or statistics) you’ll use at the right time (often and sometimes for decades) to help you succeed in what you are doing.

I recall speakers and their message, examples, phrases, sound bites, stories, or statistics throughout my life.  It has a cumulative effect and I recall it when needed at the perfect time.  The is the real value of listening to a speaker.

When you have this frame of mind each time you hear someone speak you receive an experiential learning credit.

If their is an internal or external conflict you are experiencing when listening to a speaker, here is my advanced performance and life conflict resolution and idea generation tool.  Speaking is the highest form of experiential learning from a person.

I look forward to hearing about the greater value you are receiving from attending events with a speaker.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old but

on building the new.” – Dan Millman

For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Adopt Habits From Your Relationships

I’ve been using my performance, life, innovation and entrepreneurial leadership tools in my speaking programs, private performance and life consulting, and coaching.  This tool among other concepts and tools appear in my Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools manual, Your Raise The Bar: Mental Performance Tools workbooks for business/education, sports, and Winning At Entrepreneurship.  There are more resources to help you at http://www.MotivateResults.com.


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