Tag Archives for " philanthropists "

Performance and Entrepreneurial Leadership In Management Needed for Mental Health In Your Workplace

“Win your better outcomes: High Value and Valued ROI” – Raj Gavurla

Your valued employee is missing work more often and you can tell some things aren’t making sense.  As leadership and management, you think about what’s happening to them.  Then, your office manager or human resource person informs you they gave them the Employee Assistant Program (EAP) phone number.  Of course, something serious happened yet you’re still puzzled.  However, because you don’t know what to do or policy you don’t initiate to share authentic dialogue with your valued subordinate.

Your subordinate doesn’t know what’s happening as all they think is I’ve been having very unusual thoughts and not feeling well.  It’s as if the microprocessor (brain) in my computer (body) isn’t consistently functioning.  They really don’t know when told they have a mental health diagnosis what that means.  They just hope the doctor determines the right treatment to help/cure/exhibit teamwork to allow them to successfully continue working and living a robust life.  Sometimes for a percentage of workers, this happens and they continue successfully working and living a robust life.  Often times the facts are this doesn’t happen and your employee’s performance is valued for periods of time and then an episode or something happens and they miss work or they aren’t exhibiting their consistent valued performance.  A mental health challenge doesn’t discriminate based on socioeconomic or sociodemographic status.

mental health mh5 mh6 mhstat3

mental health

There is a highly customized fluid solution for your valued subordinate.  An example is:

1.  You (Boss) initiating and sharing private authentic dialogue with your employee.  It takes research better outcomes, preparation, interaction, and communication to deliver better outcomes for your subordinate (employee).

2.  Understanding what his or her treatment plan is and the teamwork needed.

3.  Forming a “small individual/personal matters team/group” to help your subordinate by involving a select group of trained employees as this employee’s support system in your workplace.

4.  Understanding the high-value importance/urgency of their family, work, and financial sustainability to your subordinate’s wellness is essential.  Their family is experiencing similar uncertainty as you about the well-being of your employee.

5.  By taking the initiative and being proactive with a process your employee becomes better and your costs tremendously decrease because your employee is still able to work although it might be scaled back and is given the review and evaluation of their work during this time to continue being a forward performing valued successful employee.

Yes, taking these steps are asking for more effort on your part as Boss and employer.  However, the following are some of the better outcomes (results) from taking initiative:

1.  I know as employer, Boss, team, and employee each is doing everything they can to see each other succeed and your clients succeed.   As an employer, you don’t have to do the bare minimum to be in compliance.  There are value-add resources that can help you.  As a strong mental health advocate, performance consultant/coach, and entrepreneurial leadership expert, my services might be a value-add to your current protocol for this situation.

2.  Donating to charity is important and I encourage you to continue doing so to make your business and community stronger.  However, a lot of times companies donate to non-profits (a humanitarian cause/need) without knowing the person they are helping to receive support services.  By allocating funds for mental health in your company, you are essentially creating “charity in the workplace” and seeing your dollars actually being put to use for your valued employee and receive quality work completed for your efforts.

3.  The sensation of having this humanitarian lens is very fulfilling, highly satisfying, and delivers a win for all (your business and community).  Businesses are here to contribute to family and societal progress.  Being a humanitarian to me means more than “spiritual brothers and sisters have to eat”. Being a humanitarian means “spiritual brothers and sisters have to thrive”. We are very capable of this mission and aspiration being a reality because of the forward progress we consistently make in employer/employee relationships and societal progress.

4.  Most likely your employee becomes more loyal and continues to make forward progress in your company.  Also, you now have an employee with high-value empathy skills and is part of your succession planning for your “small personal matters team(s)/group(s).  Although most of your employees don’t have a mental health diagnosis, they do have mental health challenges whether spurred from a workplace issue or life issue that sharing authentic dialogue with select people in a “small personal matters team/group” would greatly benefit your business.

5.   Mental health is our current major employer/social health challenge to the robust viability of our workplace we have to triumph along with cancer (you could imagine this affects a person’s mental health).

6.   I’ve heard too many personal stories of talented, skilled, and educated people who are underemployed and not doing meaningful work.  Because of this, there might be relationship problems because of the stigma associated with mental health and the individual might lose hope.

Sports often is at the forefront of employer and societal progress.  An example is Lebron James addressing the Cavaliers in the locker room, welcoming, and helping Larry Sanders (mental health challenge) join the team and continue to progress in his NBA career.  Yes, there are a lot of small business owners who are also helping and supporting individuals with a mental health challenge.  How about your Fortune 500, mid-size, or over 50 employees small business?

Remember, being a humanitarian is more than “spiritual brothers and sisters have to eat”.  Being a humanitarian is “spiritual brothers and sisters have to thrive”.  It’s a win for all.  It’s worth it!

If you are an executive, in management, or are a workplace leader, who is challenged by mental health in your business, please contact me to share authentic dialogue.  Your leadership is needed and wanted.

One’s destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things. Henry Miller 

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com, LiiiVEN.








Win: A Sense of Respect Should Be Automatic, Not Earned

“A sense of respect should be automatic, not earned.” – Raj Gavurla



“If you set your goals ridiculously high and it’s a failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success.” – James Cameron


For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com

Preview Video: Transform Your Performance & Leadership

“Transform your performance and entrepreneurial leadership in business, work, sports, and life.”

– Raj Gavurla

The way you tell your story to yourself matters. Amy Cuddy

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com


“Fortunately world-class business occurs with preparation and communication.” – Raj Gavurla

forward performance

Since change isn’t a competitive advantage, how are businesses, organizations, and teams solving their need(s) for performing (high value/value add) better results (better ROI/higher margins) in a faster time?

Answer: Transform Performance


1. Most organization development shows a top-down flow. Whether their competitive advantage starts at the top (trickle down) to the bottom or from the bottom (grassroots) to the top. How about transforming your performance lens to organization development showing forward performance (—–> timeline fashion): Founder-Board-President/CEO – Each Colleague (Teammate) – Business Unit – Division – Department – etc. as they came into existence in a win forward performance for your competitive advantage? Forward performance mentality is essential to living (doing) for each person to thrive.

2. Sometimes when I shoot baskets kids are also shooting on the same basket. When they make a shot and I grab the rebound they are quick to say “change” meaning they want me to pass them the ball as a return for making their shot. Since I’m also a performance consultant and private performance mental skills coach, I want to tell them “Change isn’t a competitive advantage. I would have thrown the ball to you without you saying change.” Instead, they need to shoot the ball from the same spot the same way (“repetitions – keep going to the well”). If an adult paid my fee, the kids win forward performance.

3.  The better tennis player you are the more mental tennis is.  What differentiates the number one players and teams in men’s and women’s tennis is their mentality.  What are you doing to work on your private performance mental skills so you consistently become a better tennis player.

4. In business, work, sports, and life identify your need(s) to win forward performance whether experiencing success (fun) or negativity. Most likely you know what to live (do) and/or you might need to pay for support service(s) to work with you to solve your need(s) to win forward performance.

5. How do you accomplish any endeavor in life (i.e. your dreams, vision, goals, and/or mission)? By living (doing) it.

You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.

– Michael McMillan

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com



“Do prosperity work: create inspiring authentic dialogue.

Be a good listener:  Personally, we the people (everyone), want each person to thrive.”

– Raj Gavurla

good listener

Where is the new talent pool?  It’s within you!  Take a look at these professions:

Engineer, Entrepreneur, Public Service, Doctor, Writer, Professional Speaker, Professional Athlete, Actor, Model, Musician, Professor, and add any profession(s) to your liking.

Is it within you?  Be and/or become any of the professions of your liking and you will be able to forward practical perform winning valued money doing so.  For example, you might work for a few minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, quarters, seasonally, or years doing one or any combination of the profession(s).

Your reply to “what do you do?” might be, “I’m an entrepreneur, engineer, professional speaker, writer, professional athlete, politician, doctor, actor, consultant, and coach.”  They might give you an uncertain look.  You reply, “I’m paid (valued money) doing each”.

What combination will you use to thrive?

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Entrepreneurial Leadership: Grow, Build, Develop (Probability (Uncertainty))

“Grow, build, and develop the right way.” – Raj Gavurla

In the following weeks, I will focus on delivering practical and pragmatic entrepreneurial leadership tools.  To receive these entrepreneurial leadership tools and much more you can invest in my manual Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools.  

Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools Manual

Buy now: motivateyourresults.com

This week we’ll apply the entrepreneurial leadership learning to the importance of probability (uncertainty).

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #1:

Entrepreneurial Success =

(Time (1 or 0) + Work (1 or 0) + Money (1 or 0)) x Probability (1, .5, or 0) 

Probability (Uncertainty) (1, .5, or 0)

In 2017 where are you investing your entrepreneurial leadership?  To maximize entrepreneurial leadership you want to invest in projects/endeavors at various stages and at various times with varying probability (uncertainty).  Yes, the probability (uncertainty) of you being alive tomorrow has a probability factor based on lots of living factors.

In your business and projects, you want meaningful work with a probability (uncertainty) of a 1 (do it now), .5 (carefully consider doing it), and 0 (don’t do it).  There are no other numbers besides 1, .5, or 0.  If probability (uncertainty) is a 1 then you know what to do.  If it’s a .5 how to make it a 1 is very important to determine.  If it is a 0 then it’s not worth investing.  Don’t try to make a 0 a .5 or a 1.  You’ll be wasting your time.  Better results and time are of most value to you.

Therefore, Entrepreneurial Success = (Time + Work + Money) x Probability (Uncertainty)

Ex. 1: Entrepreneurial Success  = (1+1+1) x (1) = 3 (do it now)

Ex. 2: Entrepreneurial Success  = (1+1+1) x (.5) = carefully consider it (how to make it a 3?)

Ex. 3: Entrepreneurial Success  = (any total other than 3 for time, work, money) x (any probability) = don’t do it

Let go of those who bring you down and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you. Unknown

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Money (1 or 0)

In 2017 where are you investing your money?  To maximize your money you want to invest in high-value services and products with ten times the return on investment (ROI).

Q1: Do your research and preparation show your suppliers service(s) and/or product(s) are of high value towards your objectives?

This focuses on the qualitative aspects of doing business.  For example, setting a record, a pilot, image, brand awareness,  and having more than one supplier so you’re more efficient and effective.

Q2: How do you determine there will be a ten times return on your investment?

This focuses on the quantitative aspects of doing business.  The robust investments/projects return ten times greater ROI upon completion of the investment/project.  If it makes sense to reinvest and/or add service(s) and product(s), then best to do so.  All others vary based on time period.  Work with your supplier to determine how to receive high value and ten times the ROI.

Think of three investments made in your business?

1.  Invested in a marketing campaign

Depending on if this is already a revenue producing service or product or if it is a pilot the same formula applies:

Investment = High Value and ten times the ROI

In a marketing campaign of high value is brand awareness.  Also, you need to determine the way to receive ten times the ROI.  The reason is because your project and business are unsustainable without it.

2.  Invested in technology

Of high value are increased capabilities, efficiency, ease of use, and status.  Also, you need to determine the way to receive ten times the ROI.  The reason is because your project and business are unsustainable without it.

Investment = High Value and ten times the ROI

3. Invested in education

Of high value are increased skillset, get a better job and new opportunities, and adding your skillset to another market.  Also, you need to determine the way to receive ten times the ROI.  The reason is because your education/learning and business are unsustainable without it.

Investment = High Value and ten times the ROI

4.  Think of three private investments made?

Examples are a house, car, healthcare, and the food you eat.  Of high value are shelter, safety, warmth, nutrition, and good health.  Also, you need to determine the way to receive ten times the ROI.  The reason is because your living is unsustainable without it.

Investment = High Value and ten times the ROI

I will cover funding (entrepreneurial fund (EF)) when I teach my second Entrepreneurial Success Tool.

Calculate your qualitative (high value) and quantitative (ROI) for each of the above.  Are you researching, is your preparation, and investments done with the right mindset?  Determine how high value delivers a ten times ROI for you.

“Your qualitative drives your quantitative.” – Raj Gavurla

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Work (1 or 0)

In 2017 where are you investing your work?  To maximize work you want to do work that is meaningful, has value, and is important to you.  This includes work that has value in your business, professional association(s) member volunteer work, community volunteer and advocacy work, home project(s), and faith-based volunteer work.  To reiterate, it should be meaningful to you, has value, and is important to you.  This doesn’t mean it needs to be work your family or friends want to do.  It’s work you want to do.  In the Entrepreneurial Success Formula work has a value of “1” (has value to the company) or “0” (no value to the company).

Don’t let someone who gave up on their dreams talk you out of going after yours.” – Zig Ziglar

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Time (1 or 0)

In 2017 where are you investing your time?  You want to maximize your time.  This has the most value to you in living your great dreams, goals, vision, and mission.  The best way to maximize your time is to prepare.

Do you attend a meeting by preparing?  This is the number one reason one person does business with you versus with another person.

Do you schedule an in-person meeting when a meeting isn’t wanted?

Do you schedule a conference call when an in-person meeting is wanted?

Do you return a phone call or reply to an e-mail?

As a humanitarian and citizen, maximizing your time gives you the time to do community volunteer and advocacy work.

Put your criteria to determine the best approach for you and the other party.  Just because you or they want it doesn’t mean it’s the best approach.  Only, do what adds value for the both of you.  Next week, we’ll apply the entrepreneurial leadership learning to the importance of your work.  In the Entrepreneurial Success Formula time has a value of “1” (can be done in a timely manner/worth the time) or “0” (time prohibitive).

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #2:

Invest, Save, Benefits, Entrepreneurial Fund (EF)

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tools #3:

Grow, Build, Develop

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tools #4:

Performance Shift (PS) and Entrepreneurial Shift (ES)

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #5:

Better Results / Faster

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #6:

Do 1% Better

 I will add more.  To receive these tools and much more you can invest in my manual Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools.  Buy now: motivateyourresults.com

Every moment you live in the past is a moment you waste in the present. Tony Robbins

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Entrepreneurial Leadership: Grow, Build, Develop (Work)

“Grow, build, and develop the right way.” – Raj Gavurla

In the following weeks, I will focus on delivering practical and pragmatic entrepreneurial leadership tools.  To receive these entrepreneurial leadership tools and much more you can invest in my manual Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools.  

Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools Manual

Buy now: motivateyourresults.com

This week we’ll apply the entrepreneurial leadership learning to the importance of your money.

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #1:

Entrepreneurial Success =

(Time (1 or 0) + Work (1 or 0) + Money (1 or 0)) x Probability (1, .5, or 0) 

Work (1 or 0)

In 2017 where are you investing your work?  To maximize work you want to do work that is meaningful, has value, and is important to you.  This includes work that has value in your business, professional association(s) member volunteer work, community volunteer and advocacy work, home project(s), and faith-based volunteer work.  To reiterate, it should be meaningful to you, has value, and is important to you.  This doesn’t mean it needs to be work your family or friends want to do.  It’s work you want to do.  In the Entrepreneurial Success Formula work has a value of “1” (has value to the company) or “0” (no value to the company).

Don’t let someone who gave up on their dreams talk you out of going after yours.” – Zig Ziglar

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Time (1 or 0)

In 2017 where are you investing your time?  You want to maximize your time.  This has the most value to you in living your great dreams, goals, vision, and mission.  The best way to maximize your time is to prepare.

Do you attend a meeting by preparing?  This is the number one reason one person does business with you versus with another person.

Do you schedule an in-person meeting when a meeting isn’t wanted?

Do you schedule a conference call when an in-person meeting is wanted?

Do you return a phone call or reply to an e-mail?

As a humanitarian and citizen, maximizing your time gives you the time to do community volunteer and advocacy work.

Put your criteria to determine the best approach for you and the other party.  Just because you or they want it doesn’t mean it’s the best approach.  Only, do what adds value for the both of you.  Next week, we’ll apply the entrepreneurial leadership learning to the importance of your work.  In the Entrepreneurial Success Formula time has a value of “1” (can be done in a timely manner/worth the time) or “0” (time prohibitive).

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #2:

Invest, Save, Benefits, Entrepreneurial Fund (EF)

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tools #3:

Grow, Build, Develop

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tools #4:

Performance Shift (PS) and Entrepreneurial Shift (ES)

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #5:

Better Results / Faster

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #6:

Do 1% Better

 I will add more.  To receive these tools and much more you can invest in my manual Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools.  Buy now: motivateyourresults.com

Every moment you live in the past is a moment you waste in the present. Tony Robbins

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Entrepreneurial Leadership: Grow, Build, Develop (Time)

“Grow, build, and develop the right way.” – Raj Gavurla

Happy, Good Health, and Prosperous New Year to You and Your Family!  

In the following weeks, I will focus on delivering practical and pragmatic entrepreneurial leadership tools.  To receive these entrepreneurial leadership tools and much more you can invest in my manual Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools.  

Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools Manual

Buy now: motivateyourresults.com

This week we’ll apply the entrepreneurial leadership learning to the importance of your time.

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #1:

Entrepreneurial Success =

(Time (1 or 0) + Work (1 or 0) + Money (1 or 0)) x Probability (1 or 0)

Time (1 or 0)

In 2017 where are you investing your time?  You want to maximize your time.  This has the most value to you in living your great dreams, goals, vision, and mission.  The best way to maximize your time is to prepare.

Do you attend a meeting by preparing?  This is the number one reason one person does business with you versus with another person.

Do you schedule an in-person meeting when a meeting isn’t wanted?

Do you schedule a conference call when an in-person meeting is wanted?

Do you return a phone call or reply to an e-mail?

As a humanitarian and citizen, maximizing your time gives you the time to do community volunteer and advocacy work.

Put your criteria to determine the best approach for you and the other party.  Just because you or they want it doesn’t mean it’s the best approach.  Only, do what adds value for the both of you.  Next week, we’ll apply the entrepreneurial leadership learning to the importance of your work.

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #2:

Invest, Save, Benefits, Entrepreneurial Fund (EF)

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tools #3:

Grow, Build, Develop

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tools #4:

Performance Shift (PS) and Entrepreneurial Shift (ES)

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #5:

Better Results / Faster

Entrepreneurial Leadership Tool #6:

Do 1% Better

 I will add more.  To receive these tools and much more you can invest in my manual Entrepreneurial Thinking Tools.  Buy now: motivateyourresults.com

Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. – Oscar Wilde

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Consistent Results Are Created By Consistent Performance Improvement

“Consistent results are created by consistent performance improvement.” – Raj Gavurla

Many people make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight and stay fit (healthy). By doing so you think your appearance is more attractive and you feel fit (healthy). Therefore, you have more success and confidence in your ability to achieve your great vision, dreams, goals, and mission.exercise

1. The Zone (It’s Mental): Mental Constructs
First and foremost you need to ask yourself how will making your appearance more attractive and being healthy make your ability to achieve your goals become easier. The results of achieving your weight loss and health goals are more than a number on a scale or a specific goal. The reason being is there are several benefits to doing so. Some you didn’t think of will occur.

An example of a benefit is you do not have as many negative thoughts. You are unconsciously able to do what you need in the area of weight and health versus subconsciously having to think about whether what you are doing is helping or not.

By responding to your negative thoughts that are derailing you from success you upgrade your unconscious mind. Examples of negative thoughts are:

1. I’ve Tried This Before and Don’t Continue Seeing The Benefits.

Respond with I’ve learned how to do it better.

2. Does This Really Work (Disbelief)?

Respond with believe it’s really this easy.

3. Just One Won’t Make A Difference.

Respond with your criteria for what is edible and what exercises are needed.

Therefore, you are enabling your success not depriving yourself. When you believe you are enabling success you need to manage it to set further goals to benefit from your successes. There isn’t an ending point. There is continuation and progression (process) towards your new dreams, goals, and mission. Ones you didn’t have when you started. You have a robust life.

2.  Create The Best Environment.

You need an intrinsically motivating environment and the tools to control your time and family/social environment. Suggestions are clothing, pictures, music, telling someone who is supportive (cares more), not telling someone who isn’t supportive (doesn’t care), writing in your journal, using the Your Raise The Bar Primer: Mental Performance Tools workbook, and fitness watch.

Socially you need to celebrate your successes and debrief after each workout.  Celebrating can be as easy as a smile, to jumping as high as you can, buying yourself a gift, telling someone who is supportive (cares more) etc.  If you didn’t achieve your goal stick with it, it will come with consistent performance improvement.  Consistent results are created by consistent performance improvement.

3. Health/Nutrition (Eat Right)

Some people currently have physical and/or mental health that need treatment. Research the best treatment(s) for you. If what you are doing or taking is working then stick with it. If it is not working, do research for another form of treatment.

Examples include talking with your family doctor, specialist, chiropractor, trainer, and/or coach. There are natural, pharmaceutical, and stretching exercises for you to try. Don’t quit by thinking there isn’t a way. People are working to find a better way.

With entrepreneurial advancements in humanness, medicine, and technology you lead a robust life. For example, a resource for chronic pain is a book, Pain Free, by Pete Egoscue. The stretching exercises are very easy and does not involve intense physical therapy.

Eat Right (Nutrition)
Eating right is an individualized approach. For example, some people need carbs in the morning and some need protein instead. Create a criteria for the foods you can eat and you’ll be amazed with so many advancements in food products and cooking what is available for you to eat and enjoy. Get out of the rut of eating the same foods, add variety and flavor to the foods you eat.

For example, my individualized eating plan is protein and raw organic vegetables in the morning, water, and tea. This is the first quarter of the day. A couple of hours before lunch I eat organic fruit. Lunch starts the second quarter. Between two and four I eat organic vegetables and organic fruits. Have water, tea, or another beverage of choice. Drink slowly.  Dinner starts the third quarter. For dinner I eat more carbs.  After dinner starts the fourth quarter. I drink water, tea, or a beverage of my choice.  I drink eight slow glasses of water a day.

My Criteria for Eating Right:
Eat 1/2 of what I use to eat for each meal, no refined sugar, limit the bread, limit the caffeine, limit the cheese, no alcohol, eating right also makes you healthy

To make it easier for me to get up fresh in the morning, I eat celery between 9pm and 10pm.
4. Exercise
Learn how to exercise. By doing repetitive exercise your body becomes bored and there is overuse of the muscles. This is why the gains stop. Add variety and set records for you to achieve.

My Criteria for Exercising:
Variety, warm up, cardio on some days (walk, run, jazzercise), lift weights (weight bearing exercises) on some days (lift slowly), sports on some days (several to choose from).  Exercising also makes you healthy. I exercise for strength, quickness, and speed.  Stretch everyday.

The world’s best exercise is a four mile walk.  I’ve known several people with and without health challenges implement a four mile walk to succeed.

To perform better and oxygenate my muscles, I take at least one set of ten reps of deep breathing
during different times of the day and in different positions (standing, sitting, lying, etc.)
5. Work
There is paid work, volunteer work, and hobbies to keep you engaged. Find/create work that is important to you and you can do well. Working will keep your mind off your health and eating. It gives you the opportunity to be a performing/productive citizen making a living, helping, and doing for your family, friends, and others.

6. Meditate
I meditate to clear my mind, therefore, making it function better and for balance. For me an hour is perfect. Pick the amount of time right for you. It also helps me with my timing.

7. Have Something To Look Forward To In The Evening
It’s nice to have something relaxing and fun in the evening. Invite someone to spend time with family, friends, watch a game, watch tv, listen to music, read, or attend an event.

8. Pray
There is spiritual growth. It brings wellness, good deeds, and peace.

9. Rest
To rejuvenate you need to rest specific activities. This can be in your work and in exercise. Give your mind and body the break it needs to renew these activities. That doesn’t mean to stop working or exercising or eating right completely. It means to work on a different activity, take a month or three off from weights, or tune in to another activity. I sleep at the same time on the weekdays.

Daily do something for your health/nutrition, exercise, work, meditate, have something to look forward to in the evening, pray, and rest. Be sure to inform the people who need to know about your whereabouts to coordinate with them so they don’t worry and things get done.

Continue to learn to get more skilled in each of the above steps to make living a robust life easier.

10.  My Consistent Performance Improvement (Better) Exercise:

  • Run/jog on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday for at least 2 miles (takes mental prep work and performance routine (“thezone”), stretching, calisthenics, and a shower).  It takes an hour.  Walk on days I don’t run/jog.
  • Playing a sport when needed instead of running/jogging or walking
  • Calisthenics (natural weight bearing exercises) and some weights when needed
  • Do the mental prep work

11.  What’s Yours?  

You deserve to live a robust life.