While networking I met a guy who had the same twelfth grade English teacher as me. He asked, what do I remember about her? I said, “she liked tools”. Besides teaching English, she felt a sense of nostalgia when she saw tools neatly stored on a peg board in a tool shed. I also remembered, it being the first time I gave a speech. Preparing was a daunting task; however, she gave the class a tool for speech preparation. Her tool was to open with something memorable to get the audience’s attention. Therefore, I opened my speech in French.
There is also an entrepreneurial thinking tool to be entrepreneurial. People associate being entrepreneurial with starting a business. This is a form of entrepreneurship, however, there is intrapreneurship (corporate entrepreneurship), and the application of entrepreneurial thinking in our work and daily living. People focus on creating a better service or product to be entrepreneurial. How do they come up with a creative innovative idea?
There are several entrepreneurial thinking tools to stimulate entrepreneurial ideas and determine whether your service and/or product are entrepreneurial. One of my entrepreneurial thinking tools is a simple graph showing better results vs. less time.
If your service and/or product can produce better results but not in less time then it’s not entrepreneurial. If your service and/or product can’t produce a better result but can be done in less time it’s not entrepreneurial. However, if your service and/or product can produce better results in less time then it’s entrepreneurial.
Examples: Carriage buggy vs. car, typewriter vs. computer, ship vs. plane, shorter route to work, learn a tip to make something easier to do in less time, no internet vs. internet, land line vs. cell phone, no exercise vs. exercise, no nutrition vs. nutrition
Therefore, take a look at the marketplace. Can you create an entrepreneurial shift (ES) by raising the bar to produce better results in less time? How about applying the tool in your productivity at work or in something you are passionate about at home?
By having an entrepreneurial tool you’ll reduce apathy and create natural endorphins seizing opportunity and stimulating you to the next level of success.
Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at raj@rajgavurla.com with your date, time and location to book your date today!