“Vanguard: Individualized medicine is better results not repeatable. It doesn’t take long.” – Raj Gavurla
Consistently Perform: Experiencing Intelligent Breakthroughs In Your Performance & Life
I recently talked with a banker about investors. Investors want a better return and feel the reason employees are employed with their initiatives is because they invested. Since they want a better return, why don’t they stop looking for a needle in a haystack when recruiting. When they nurture, develop, build, and grow towards accomplishments their employees and investors with edutrainment (edu (education) train (action learning) ment (successive breakthroughs, fun & enjoyment)) to innovate, and experience entrepreneurial leadership instead of having to implement change (bring in a change agent) or reinvent they naturally discover new ideas for a greater return.
It would take the pressure off of only you having to discover ideas and laying off people. High value, earn, and make money. Is your return looking better?
“The Zone” Effect
By many “the zone” effect is described as everything is in slow motion, time stands still (isn’t a deterring factor), and your performance feels effortless.
My “The Zone” Effect:
I use to dread doing kettle balls. My back would hurt. My exercise functional physiology trainer has me doing them with ease. This breakthrough effects my mentality, job, health, and I’m on my way towards another breakthrough, fun & enjoyment. Learn how to learn and apply the learning. Put your mastery to it for breakthroughs, fun & enjoyment.
Apply My “The Zone” Learning: Feel “performance que” power & control + Optional (emotional arousal breakthroughs fun & enjoyment)
Your Most Recent “The Zone” Effect
What breakthroughs are you experiencing? Please send me a personal message and I will reply.
“Pushing our self past our boundaries of limitation and extreme, sometimes to something that knocks off our comfort zone, it creates new neuro pathways with our brain, we become smarter, wiser, more clarity, our life becomes more fulfilling. Only because we have a totally new experience. We get a new brain with that. Neuroplasticity”
– Angie Karan
For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.