“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.”
– Anonymous
For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.
“Always apply your real-time wisdom (application of real-time learning) and knowledge.” – Raj Gavurla
Consistently Perform: Experiencing Intelligent Breakthroughs In Your Performance & Life
For those using my Your Raise The Bar Primer: Mental Performance Tools workbook, are you making sure you are rating your day (auspicious, robust, excellent, very good, good, not so good).
My buddy Jordan (2nd grader) I’m mentoring drew this drawing of me. It shows me wearing Jordans (shoes). As in the Nike Jordan brand.
This upgraded my day from “very good” to “robust” as my day rating
Mother’s Day in my workbook is rated “auspicious”.
I’ll check your workbook when I do our evaluation.
Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership
Consistent Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership Success =
Do What You Love + Financial (Capital) Flow & Distribution + Creative Innovative Idea + Clarity of Vision + Leadership + Communication + Team + Execution
“The Zone” Effect
By many “the zone” effect is described as everything is in slow motion, time stands still (isn’t a deterring factor), and your performance feels effortless.
Here are three phrases I use to get into “the zone” experiencing “the zone” effect:
My Life: “The Zone” Effect created by my buddy Jordan (2nd grader) I’m mentoring.
Your Most Recent “The Zone” Effect
Here’s an exercise for you:
What do you do with your time?
I. Think the right way in between what you are accomplishing (doing)
Ex: Business: the time in between doing your work
Sports: the time in between actual play
Life: the time in between your work and play
II. Think the right way while you are accomplishing (doing)
Ex: Business: the time while doing your work
Sports: the time during play
Life: the time during your life
III. Evaluate Accomplishments
IV. Next Step
““The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.”
– Eckhart Tolle
For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.”
– Anonymous
For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.”
– Anonymous
For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.
“Get it done.” – Raj Gavurla
Consistently Perform: Experiencing Intelligent Breakthroughs In Your Performance & Life
For those using my Your Raise The Bar Primer: Mental Performance Tools workbook, are you making sure you are writing your clear goal before actually taking action. It will show you how much easier it is to experience intelligent breakthroughs in your performance and life by doing so.
Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership
“The Zone” Effect
By many “the zone” effect is described as everything is in slow motion, time stands still (isn’t a deterring factor), and your performance feels effortless.
It was Saturday morning and I drove to attend a community breakfast at Nicholtown Missionary Baptist Church. It’s always nice and amazing meeting people and making friends in their place of worship. There was an unexpected success. The pastor wanted me to say the prayer before eating. My day became auspicious (type of day to write in my workbook). As I mentally prepared, I told myself “talk from the heart” . We prayed and it was the first time I’ve lead a prayer in public. I don’t have the words to describe the amazing feeling running through me. An amazing “the zone” experience I will recall often.Your Most Recent “The Zone” Effect
Here’s an exercise for you? Describe what causes performance anxiety and stress. Then, change each factor so you experience “the zone” the next time you are scheduled to perform. Performance anxiety and stress are usually caused by a time crunch (doing too much in too little time), environmental, relationship issue, or over thinking.
“A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments
can change the course of your life.” – Christopher Germer
For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.”
– Anonymous
For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.”
– Anonymous
For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.”
– Anonymous
For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.”
– Anonymous
For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.
“Love doing everything for your team to win fun the best” – Raj Gavurla
You are always on a team. Although it may be just you working on an initiative, it effects others in some capacity. As you experience intelligent breakthroughs there are people who are supportive, encouraging, helpful, on the sidelines, and naysayers. Most importantly, you believing in your ability to succeed is essential. The best people come into your life as wanted and needed. People might oscillate between being supportive, encouraging, helpful, on the sidelines, and naysayers.
You love doing everything for your team to win fun the best. When each teammate does this experiencing intelligent breakthroughs to win fun the best, together everyone achieves more (TEAM).
“The Zone” Effect (This is when everything is in slow motion, feels effortless, and delivers meaningful better outcomes.)
In business, sports, and life daily mental performance training is needed to experience intelligent breakthroughs.
Daily, I love doing mental performance training on:
It doesn’t take long. To fun win the best it takes daily mental performance training. Contact me to help you.
What intelligent breakthroughs are you experiencing? Mine are in my energy. Do you know how to activate your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical energy? I learned why, how, and what to do to escape energy traps to experience intelligent breakthroughs in my performance and life.
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.”
– Anonymous
For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.