Tag Archives for " identity "

Who Do You Trust With Your Life?

“To live a better life do for and help each other (people).” – Raj Gavurla

give love trust listen

Who do you trust with your life? This is a question that had me thinking for a while. It surfaced throughout my career as I’ve been doing for and helping people transform in all aspects of life as an expert who speaks professionally, author, coach/consultant, and my service in the community. I’ve met people who are doing and helping in very meaningful ways. There are also people doing for and helping in anonymous ways. I’ve also met people whose family has left them because the situation was too much for them to take. I’ve met foster kids who don’t know who their parents are. I’ve also met people who are doing for and helping people to exist instead of showing them how to live a robust life.

Being an entrepreneur wasn’t an easy road for me. Some of the closest people to me laughed at me, didn’t see me as one for some reason (I never asked why), and some said and did mean things that I used to consistently better my motivation and inspiration, always with a positive attitude, and to consistently transform my mindset so that I could be in a positive mood. When this consistently happens everything is easier. Along the way was spiritual growth and maturity. I made the decision, “I want/aspire to win and grow”.

Since this post isn’t about what “win and grow” means to me, I won’t cover that in this post. As my career progressed and I’ve become more involved in the community I see my thought as a boy when I saw someone struggling or suffering was not true. I use to think “we are setup to thrive” and they have nothing to worry about. As an adult, I realize my childhood lens was incorrect. However, as an adult I also realize I can do for and help people to do for and help each other (people) so we are “setup to thrive”. There shouldn’t be poverty and it should be easier for people to pursue great dreams, callings, visions, goals, missions, and aspirations instead of the negativity from some people and obstacles.  Whether they are systemic, policy, law, or strategic.

What I learned through this was the answer to my opening question. Who do you trust with your life? My answer is God (the lord), myself, my family, and the right people. The right people can be friends or random people you’ve never met that came into your life to consistently make better progress. When you share the right things with the right people at the right time instead of thinking you are on an island it is easier. This means you need to do the research to find who these people are, endlessly learn, apply the learning, and develop, build, and grow the life and lifestyle you aspire to. “We the people” are making better progress, however, we must make it easier for everyone to live their great dreams, have family and friends, and be involved with the community.

“It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honoured by the humiliation

of their fellow beings.” – Mahatma Gandhi

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com, LiiiVEN.

What’s The Difference Between Attending A Live Event & Watching A Video?

“You’re unique, different, and in leadership of your situation.  Don’t compare yourself to anyone.” – Raj Gavurla

Have you attended an event in person and watched the same event on video?  There’s a huge difference!

1.  In person attendance, one actually senses, feels, and experiences the ambiance of the entire event.  The featured speaker(s) message is more meaningful and engaging.  You see things you don’t see watching a video.  You participate in select activities and network (build relationships) with attendees (people you know and those you don’t know). Also, if you are fortunate you get to interact with the speaker(s) by asking questions or attending a private dinner the night before.

You might schedule other meetings during non-event time and see a new place or experience a magnificent place again.  It also serves to get you out of the office and realize how everything is in some way interconnected.  You broaden your business and life story.

2.  When watching a video the value is greatly reduced.  The meaning of what is being said can be distorted because the connection of being there in person isn’t there.  If you think, how can that be?  Then, video an interaction with you participating and then watch the video in private.  You’ll see the differences and meaningfulness in value decrease.

There is a time for both.  Determine which is of most value for your situation.

“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.
Have the courage to follow your own heart and intuition. ” – Steve Jobs

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com, LiiiVEN.

New Resource:

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Consistently achieve your business goals, break-through performance barriers, and stay motivated and inspired with my mental performance coaching workbook.

Build and grow your mental performance skills using your own thoughts with a very simple mental structure. The workbook becomes customized by you with your own thoughts because your mental challenges are unique to your level of business and what’s happening in your life. You practice the knowledge skills of business. How about the mental performance skills to consistently learn how to perform in “the zone” (optimal performance) for success?  Order Now! https://www.motivateyourresults.com







“Do prosperity work: create inspiring authentic dialogue.

Be a good listener:  Personally, we the people (everyone), want each person to thrive.”

– Raj Gavurla

good listener

Where is the new talent pool?  It’s within you!  Take a look at these professions:

Engineer, Entrepreneur, Public Service, Doctor, Writer, Professional Speaker, Professional Athlete, Actor, Model, Musician, Professor, and add any profession(s) to your liking.

Is it within you?  Be and/or become any of the professions of your liking and you will be able to forward practical perform winning valued money doing so.  For example, you might work for a few minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, quarters, seasonally, or years doing one or any combination of the profession(s).

Your reply to “what do you do?” might be, “I’m an entrepreneur, engineer, professional speaker, writer, professional athlete, politician, doctor, actor, consultant, and coach.”  They might give you an uncertain look.  You reply, “I’m paid (valued money) doing each”.

What combination will you use to thrive?

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.