Tag Archives for " humanperformance "

Living Your Greatest Dreams and Goal Setting Examples

“We don’t need age discrimination: We have babies, kids, teenagers, and adults not young and old people. Be proud of your age. It means you’re living, nurturing, developing, building, growing, evolving, and making breakthroughs in each. Living forever is inevitable.  Apply the learning.”         – Raj Gavurla

“Success is something you attract by the person you become.” – Jim Rohn

If interested, for your specific situation contact me at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com to help you and your team.

Describe An Experience, Situation, Or Sports Using Better Words & Better Language Instead of Violent Words & Language

“Win fun enjoy living a robust life making lives better to set personal best records experiencing intelligent breakthroughs in human performance, life, organizational development & breakthroughs.  That means some win more, each wins, and no one loses unless there is violence.” – Raj Gavurla

Seeing the violence occurring locally, nationally, and throughout the world, what can be done to bring civility? Why are people verbally attacking each other maliciously, denigrating, and degrading them self or another person? 

This doesn’t honor the human dignity people need to help and work together to forward, elevate, and thrive humanity individually and collectively to raise the standard of living making people a better life, better living, and better future.

The English language is a lexicon of robust words of vibrancy and comity. How come more people don’t use them instead of violent words to describe non-violent experiences, situations, and sporting events? From the early days one can think we’ve come a long way from having to literally fight to survive and eat daily. Therefore, using violent words instead of killing was the next level of success. Hence, the fight/flight response. Important to know there are more responses bringing an abundance of sharing and connection. How about the sharing with each other without putting each other on the defensive response, the only win fun better common outcomes response, or the make lives better response, prevent deaths response, and save lives response?

With this sharing, connection, and building relationships with good communication more is learned and apply the learning. What are examples:

  1. Someone says “we, they, you or I killed them” or “I killed him or her.” when referring to an experience, situation, or sporting event. Really, who was killed? Thankfully, no one.
  2. In business or on a team people dismissing an idea or someone’s input saying, “you don’t know anything” or taking something a colleague said out of context and having a “grudge” against them instead of talking with them to help seeing this as an opportunity to correct a colleague to promote your values, good communication, and good relationship building to make your organization stronger. Your colleague will be thankful for you making the effort to embrace them versus disliking them and other colleagues will sense a good workplace culture and environment.
  3. When watching basketball, I hear announcers say and “a dagger” or “go for the jugular” to describe a three pointer or dunk. I’m glad there wasn’t “a dagger” and everyone’s “jugular” is in place. I would much rather hear it was an amazing high arching shot soft through the net or they are finishing or closing the game.
  4. Then, there is the “punch them in the mouth” or “we’ll kick your _ _ _.” Gratefully, there was no fist fight and no one was kicked. I would much rather hear win fun better outcomes the right way or what’s important is what we do and how we perform or play not what they do.

This usage of violent and malicious words and language is projecting itself into politics. Whether it’s during a presidential campaign or when politicians rally their base to “fight”. Some people take this literally being frustrated, have no emotional control, and cause societal violence. Why not instead rally them to “win fun better common outcomes” or “work together”?

These are just a few of the examples coming to my mind. My learning point is each example can be spruced with better words and better language making the description of the experience or situation more meaningful and pleasurable. It also becomes an educational teaching moment on people skills, realizing the essence of life, citizenship, and sportsmanship.

Unfortunately, these examples carry over into our kids lives as they watch t.v. and have social and educational experiences, situations, and play sports at school. The need for the use of better words and better language is a way to eschew conflict and violence in our kids school and during sporting events. The Bestie Boys lyrics “you missed two classes and no homework” “you gotta fight for your right to party”. Why not “you gotta only win fun better outcomes for your right to party?” Why are there fights at kids games by kids or adults? That’s non-sense! We don’t do that here.

By using better words and better language when describing an experience or situation you create good communication and good communication builds good relationships.

The following is my value graphic I use when helping and working together with an individual, group, or team to develop and make breakthroughs.

I’m always learning and apply the learning. Apply the use of better words and better language to see how civility and dignity by each person builds good communication, good relationships, and brings more civility locally, nationally, world wide, and globally.

Reflect on your experiences, situations, and sporting events. Could you have used better words, better language to create good communication and build good relationships to help and work together towards only win fun common better outcomes? Some win more, each wins, and no one loses unless there is violence.

What refulgent effect would this have in your family, with friends, in your workplace culture and in your environment? Would there be less stress, less anxiety, less yelling, less unhappiness, less loneliness, more civility, better outcomes, compassion, respect, helping and working together instead of denigrating and degrading your own or another person’s brain and mindset?

Apply the learning. This slight adjustment in our frame of mind I know and believe ignites peace over violence one on one, one by one.

“Praise people being careful, intelligent, and mature.” – Raj Gavurla

If interested, for your specific situation contact me at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com to help you and your team.

Teach The Best Attitude

“Teach the best attitude.” – Raj Gavurla


Live Well Consistently Performing Experiencing Intelligent Breakthroughs In Your Performance & Life:

You have an intrinsic relationships between your motivation and inspiration.

This week learn to Teach The Best Attitude. What controls it? Why is it almost any need or problem people jump to attitude as an explanation of success or non-success.

This helps you. Answer the questions: 
1.  What is your focused best vision?
2.  What breakthroughs are you working on?
3.  Do you teach the best attitude?


“The Zone” Effect:

By many “the zone” effect is described as everything is in slow motion, time stands still (isn’t a deterring factor), and your life and performance feels effortless.

My “The Zone” Effect: 

I was driving in Greenville, SC and looked at the sky.

  1. The clouds formed the image of the continents and nations.

2. Weeks later, I looked at the sky and the sun’s beams of light radiated through the clouds depicting an amazing waterfall.

Since your “the zone” effects are important to me, my Facebook Live videos on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s will include a “The Zone” Effect  of mine.  You have “The Zone” Effects.  Do you have awareness of them?  We’ll have fun with “The Zone” Effect continuum.

Your Most Recent “The Zone” Effect

What consistently forward intelligent breakthroughs are you experiencing?  Please send me a personal message and I will reply.

Being someone else is a waste of your time” – Anonymous

For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Feel Progress, Prosperity, and Peace

“Feel progress, prosperity, and peace.” – Raj Gavurla


Live Well Consistently Performing Experiencing Intelligent Breakthroughs In Your Performance & Life:

Many people talk about intrinsic motivation or inspiration as standalone performance drivers. Using my paragon human performance and organizational performance breakthroughs model you learn there is an intrinsic relationship between your motivation and inspiration.

Learn how to learn and apply the learning to forward your performance:
1. Why intrinsic motivation & inspiration aren’t standalone performance drivers?
2. Examples and stories of why, how, and what to do to consistently be intrinsically motivated and inspired experiencing intelligent breakthroughs with fulfillment, more ease, fun & enjoyment.

“You need the right support system to thrive.” – Raj Gavurla


“The Zone” Effect:

By many “the zone” effect is described as everything is in slow motion, time stands still (isn’t a deterring factor), and your life and performance feels effortless.

My “The Zone” Effect: 

Sometime my “The Zone Effect” comes from others.  Did you watch Wimbledon and the World Cup?  You saw several examples of “The Zone”.  Do you recognize, see, and appreciate “The Zone” in someone?  Pay focused attention to this and apply the learning to feel progress for the both of you.

Why to apply:

  1.  Feel good health
  2.  Feel progress
  3.  Feel prosperity
  4.  Feel peace

“Feel “The Zone” give endorphins.” – Raj Gavurla

Your Most Recent “The Zone” Effect

What consistently forward intelligent breakthroughs are you experiencing?  Please send me a personal message and I will reply.

Being someone else is a waste of your time” – Anonymous

For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Experiencing Human Performance Breakthroughs

“A better way.” – Raj Gavurla

Consistently Perform: Experiencing Intelligent Breakthroughs In Your Performance & Life

Is something signaling you for more success or are you being signaled by a problem or pain?  Learn how to solve your specific situation with my Experiencing Human Performance Breakthroughs model.

Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership

What human performance breakthroughs are you experiencing?

“The Zone” Effect

By many “the zone” effect is described as everything is in slow motion, time stands still (isn’t a deterring factor), and your performance feels effortless.

There are several things that happen when I experience the zone effect.  One thing I notice more and more is my brain already is processing effectively and efficiently while with my mind I feel and see “the zone” .  It’s the better outcomes from being “in the zone” I call “the zone effect”.

My “The Zone” Effects: 

  1.  I created a human performance breakthroughs model.  After watching a video from Dr. Leaf, I adapted what she said to create my model.
  2. I set a swim kicks record on land.
  3. I created a visual that show Performance and Process Outcomes.

Your Most Recent “The Zone” Effect

What breakthroughs are you experiencing?  Please send me a personal message and I will reply.

The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen.” – Rumi

For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.