Tag Archives for " gifts "

Give Constructive Feedback To Build Authentic Honest Dialogue Trusting Relationships

                         “Build authentic honest dialogue trusting relationships for each person to thrive.”

– Raj Gavurla  


I’ve seen several approaches for giving constructive feedback.  Here’s mine after agreeing giving constructive feedback to build authentic honest dialogue trusting relationships would be better:

1. What can be better?
2. Listen
3. Talk w/ each other to equip (don’t say, “you are suppose to know that” or “you don’t know that”)
4. Reevaluate in the future

Using this framework allows for mental preparation and for mental performance to forward performance of each person involved.


Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.

– Theodore Isaac Rubin

For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Do Your Best, Then Better Your Best

“Socioeconomic capital flow and capital distribution for the wealthy, middle-class, and poor solves prosperity, poverty, and gentrification  for individuals to live a robust life.”  – Raj Gavurla


How do you better your best?  You’re mentally prepared so why the inaction to exercise, make a call, and achieve your goal.  You are procrastinating.  I understand some things are mentally tiring and you know where that is most likely to happen.  You have a threshold and you are afraid to break away from it because of the insecurity it causes you.

Since you are always learning, you need to learn what to know about this threshold experience that’s causing insecurity.  When you assess it to deliver by bettering your best with strategy, build a relationship with it, market it in your mind, and evaluate after each effort you are changing the reality of the situation in your mind.

You learned to use solipsism to do your best and with effort you bettered your best.  Continue doing so, forward performing, and you’ll far exceed what you imagine success is because of your achievements, the meaningful process, and the right people who came into your life that you had never met before.

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”  

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

 For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Prevent and Cure Clients, Employees, and Athletes Burnout

“Transform your business with meaningful performance and innovation/entrepreneurial leadership.” – Raj Gavurla 

 globe hands

Meaningful Forward Performance Motivation and Inspiration

Win your personal best records and as one constantly does their best consistently they will continue to learn to perform better at what they are doing. On a given day it might be you won a meaningful award and money. It’s this essential aspiration to learn how to win personal best records to perform better at what you are doing that makes what you do meaningful, fun, rewarding, and enjoyable. One will never maximize this if they only work on performance technique. They also need to work on their mental performance skills to transform their performance and innovation/entrepreneurial leadership in business/education, work, sports, and life.

Creative Innovation Tools

You are doing the above and there is still burnout.  Why?  Because you aren’t innovating to win personal best records since the innovation(s) you have need to continue to develop, build, grow, and/or become what makes you unique and different.  There are creative innovation tools to help your neuroplasticity mind.  Some say we use one percent to ten percent of our mind’s ability.  So that means there’s ninety percent not being used.  I posit there is an “endless amount not being used” since you have a neuroplasticity brain.

Entrepreneurial Leadership

So now that you understand this concept and are using creative innovation tools why still the burnout?  Because entrepreneurial leadership isn’t being exhibited in a meaningful financial (monetize) way because the financial mechanisms (funding and resources), reward mechanisms, incentive mechanisms, and partnering mechanisms were at one time the best, however, now they also need creative innovation(s).

Three questions to transform your business:

1.  Are you using your current strategies and innovations to win personal best records?

2.  Does your team have an innovation process to create innovation(s)?  This isn’t just for individuals in management.

3.  Why don’t you work on innovating your business with unique and different entrepreneurial leadership for meaningful better outcomes creating financial mechanisms (funding and resources), reward mechanisms, incentive mechanisms, and partnering mechanisms for forward performance?

Learn how to learn and apply the learning to continue going through living a robust life.  It’s meaningful, fun, rewarding, and enjoyable.  It’s important to include fun business outings and activities/sports/games on company time for social/networking with each other to get to know each other.  Why?  Because it makes it easier to transform your business with performance and innovation/entrepreneurial leadership.

This prevents and cures clients, employees, and athletes burnout for meaningful better outcomes.  You have gifts, talents, and skills.  Develop, build, grow them and discover new gifts, talents, and skills to develop, build, and grow making you unique and different.  It’s Friday.  What are you looking forward to experiencing this weekend with your family and friends?

 Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. – Les Brown

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com, LiiiVEN.


You Are Gifted, Talented, and Skilled

“Gladly believe in your dreams to win paid better outcomes (personal best records).”

– Raj Gavurla

time to believe

Gladly Believe In Your Dreams

Yes, you! Gladly performance motivation and inspiration not self-esteem.  You have gifts, talents, and skills you are not aware of because they haven’t been needed.  Since your gladly doing the right things, your new gifts, talents, and skills surface.   When this happens you increase your situational awareness and better outcomes in all aspects of life.

Win Paid Better Outcomes (Personal Best Records)

Win by establishing your baseline performance.  Then use strategies to win your personal best record.  As you do so you are being paid.  Your pay might not be monetary (you set a personal best record) and then the monetary pay comes to you.  You don’t need to chase it.

This is the essence of life.  It is what separates your best from status quo, existing, and apathy.

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C. S. Lewis

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.