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“Get The Gunk Out”: All Forms of Negativity

“You want something(s) that works or is working!” – Raj Gavurla

get the gunk out

In talking with Jerry he told me his people work too much.  For some reason, people are equating the amount of time with better outcomes.  Of course, no one will accomplish anything professionally without putting in their time. However, do you maximize your better results with the time you put in?

In my work with clients, I discover one or more of the following three mental skills needing sprucing and honing:

1.  They aren’t rewarding themselves mentally.

2.  They are being too hard on themselves.

3.  They need to “get the gunk out” (get rid of all negativity)

They aren’t rewarding themselves mentally

You want a robust life, better living, and better future.  Yes, someone might think someone doesn’t want that that’s why they are where they are. Non-sense!  Since you are a robust being a combination of activities interact so you can shine brighter.  To reward yourself categorize them and after achieving them reward yourself with mental points.  It can be 1, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 or any number for the accomplishment of each category. Only reward yourself with the points after it’s completed.  For example, your categories could be:

1.  Woke up looking forward to the day.  Attack the day. (1,000 points)

2.  Did my mental performance routine(s), stretching exercises, and ate breakfast with appreciation? (1,000 points)

3.  Got the kids ready. (1,000 points)

4.  Did work.  (1,000 points)

5.  Inspire yourself through the negative thoughts (1,000 points)

6.  Took a break (1,000 points)

7.  Ate lunch with appreciation (1,000 points)

8.  Did work (1,000 points)

9.  Went for a run (7 points (1 for each segment))

10.  Plan something to look forward to in the evening (0 points)

11. Took a tea break (1,000 points)

12. Ate dinner with appreciation (1,000 points)

13. Inspire yourself through the craving (1,000 points)

14. Something relaxing (talking with family) and fun (watching a game, reading, playing tennis or basketball) in the evening (1,000 points)

Remember to reward yourself with points after completing each category.  Then, add up the points.  If you aren’t hitting your target number then either you are doing too much as in Jerry’s case or too little.  Test it. Consistently do it for one week.  What do you think?  Win is in the fun!

They are being too hard on themselves

Yes, your children can make robust A’s, you can be more successful in your profession, and you’re able to win more tennis matches.  How do you plan to make a robust A by attending class and taking notes without reading the material?  Do you think by reading the material and at intervals asking yourself questions about the material so you can recall it and apply the learning makes sense?

In your profession, what are you doing to work on better interaction and communication skills, your presentation skills, better education (learn how to learn), better relationships, better results, participating in events to grow/build/develop for a better living, robust life, a better future, and better outcomes?  Without having a support system (family, friends, spiritual growth/building/development), support services (coach(es), mentor(s), advisor(s)) it’s almost impossible.  Look at any highly successful person.  They have a support system and support services/products. The good news is there are so many options available and it’s up to you to research the best one(s) for your situation.

They need to “get the gunk out” (get rid of all negativity)

For your higher performance, “get the gunk out”.  Stop trying to analyze your thoughts.  Just think, “get the gunk out”!  Then you can connect with patience to inspire your higher performance.  Test it!  When you think or say “get the gunk out”, a void needs to be filled.  It’s your job to fill it with anything inspiring for your higher performance (shine brighter). Listen to motivating and inspiring videos, attend events, read motivating and inspiring books, and stop uselessly browsing the web clogging your mind with useless information overload.  Only view, attend, read, and browse sites applicable to your situation.  You’re a star, shine brighter.

“Love everything you do. Better outcomes with consistent positive work (practice) and “the zone” repetitions.” – Raj Gavurla

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

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