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“Endless” Speech In Written Form for You Addressing A Joint Session of Congress

My partnership with “Endless”

“Endless” edited his speech to be inclusive and added oratorical wisdom (i.e. “echoes of freedom”). Please read as he is preparing to address a Joint Session of Congress.



For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.


Experiencing Intelligent Breakthroughs – Good Health: It’s Systemic!

“Make lives better experiencing intelligent breakthroughs in performance and life high value money. 

Intelligent business as a calling” – Raj Gavurla

globe people

This perspective will either challenge, motivate, inspire, or encourage you to live a greater destiny or make you mad for the greater good.  When I look at the end in mind first, what people need and want is to live a healthy life that catalyzes their independence to live their greatest dreams – freedom.  This means not experiencing medical hardship inhibiting them from doing so and if they pass away they want to do so peacefully.  However, on a larger scale this isn’t happening although people are living longer and we hope individualized medicine will have us living forever.  There will be advancements in medicine.  Age has nothing to do with it as I know, see, and read about people passing away at different ages. I wish it didn’t happen.

What can we do now to create a better future?  There is amazing education and amazing medical treatments yet the silos we live in including our laws (suppose to make it better not harder) are keeping us from living a robust life.  There needs to be a holistic community coordinated effort between the individual, family, employers, providers, insurers, faith and/or belief system.  Only the people who need to know know about the person’s challenge and show dignity for the person (grace).    In the process, you are making lives better to earn performance and life breakthroughs to earn better money.  That’s better business.  Think, feel,  research better outcomes, see, and hear the better outcomes. Business as a calling (bring life).

What could this look like?  There needs to be a protocol for each health challenge similar to the concussion protocol in the NBA.  As an employer, your employees are of greatest value to you and as you and they catalyze their learning, development, and growth they catalyze your business to serve your clients for greater economic mobility for clients, employees, families, friends, community, and society to rejoice and share the essence of living.  Lots of fun living a greater destiny. Amazing!

However, our current system doesn’t show the flow of the individual through the services to see the better patient outcomes.  This is non-sense.  Yes, many people receive treatment and they are well and this is a better patient outcome living a robust life.  However, an increasing number are shuttled through a maze of providers and since they aren’t educated on health they do as told until the results aren’t there or there is a systemic challenge to follow the treatment plan including devastating side effects.  There are too many people suffering and struggling in this jungle and it can all be avoided by coordinating (implementing the adaptability link) between each of the silos.

There are so many treatments to choose from and the doctors need to learn what they are even if it means the patient will be treated elsewhere.  They might or might not receive a referral fee.  The point is enabling better patient outcomes.  By implementing this approach twenty years of surviving, struggling, and/or suffering are eschewed to one year or less.  Look at all the wasted time, money, and talent not working a job of their choice congruent with their skill set to contribute to society.

What are the initiatives before we get to individualized medicine for better patient outcomes which obviously the doctors (love seeing their patients succeed)  also need and want?

1.  Implement the adaptability link (interconnect) between the current silos and learn and apply practical mental performance and life breakthroughs skills.

2.  Doctors learn and apply the importance of interaction and communication skills to help a person who is sick so there aren’t medical errors.  Realize patients are sick, scared, and/or frightened and their loved ones are caregivers, scared, and/or frightened and most likely praying.

3.  Educate the patient and/or loved ones about conditions there currently isn’t a cure for.

4.  Learn the benefits of daily nutrition (for starters eat a lot of vegetables and fruits that make you feel good with each meal, and drink eight glasses of water).

5.  Learn to listen to your body to exercise in a serious and fun way without causing injury to make your life better to earn performance and life breakthroughs daily.  Use a lot of win forward fun variety.

6.  You are a person and therefore you are an expert on your body.  In high schools an anatomy course to educate students so they can have better conversations with their providers will make it better, it might interest them in a medical career, or in a career where a client of theirs is in the medical field.

My health insurance covered the removal of a bone spur.  It covered the many times I had ailments with a known cure very well.  However, at times I wasn’t making health performance breakthroughs and shuttled myself from provider to provider because that’s what insurance covered.  Then, I researched better outcomes and the ankle sprain doctors and physical therapy treated was cured with acupuncture and an extremities chiropractor.  My chronic pain was cured by a recommendation from a doctor to read and practically apply the exercises in the book, Pain Free, by Pete Egoscue.  For non-disclosed health needs, I researched other private pay services.  Why my doctors and insurance company didn’t send me to these resources and services when I wasn’t achieving health performance breakthroughs is non-sense?  Do what it takes for better patient outcomes.

Hobbies and competitive hobbies are important to your employees and people.  I have absolute love and passion for  better basketball.  The people around me didn’t make it easier.  They said “aren’t you too old for that?”,  “people your age don’t do that”, “you’ll get hurt”, “you’ll break your legs”, and so much more non-sense.  To prepare and learn, I see a private pay exercise functional physiologist trainer twice a week at the start, now every two weeks, and learned the stretches and how to strengthen my body and most importantly my mental performance and life breakthroughs skills (my expertise).   I’m playing better basketball with people older and half my age.  Age has nothing to do with it.

I played basketball in the driveways, playgrounds, and gymnasiums of Greenville, SC.  I’ve been called “Air Jordan” on the courts of Southeast D.C. not because of dunking, been called Kobe in Greenville, SC at the YMCA, and been called by a NBA player who said, “I saw Jerry West.”  Obviously, high praise and I am really flattered, honored, and prideful of the words.  My basketball hero is Isiah Lord Thomas.  To forward the NBA, any player needs to “play better basketball” showing they are unique and different.  The foundation (fundamentals) of basketball are present.  It’s your uniqueness and you are different (combined: the person) is the reason you are paid millions.  It always amazes me how basketball players look similar but they defend, ball-handling, pass, shoot, rebound, run, and forward the NBA in a unique and different way.

With the process of solving the systemic silos you are making lives better to earn performance and life breakthroughs to earn better money.  That’s better incentive and better business.  Think.  Look at all the wasted time, money, and talent not working a job of their choice because there are not better patient outcomes because of the systemic silos that exist between the individual, family, employers, providers, insurers, faith and/or belief system not being congruent with the skill set of the patient to contribute to society.  Stop the silos!  Live a greater destiny!  You’re on team (together everyone achieves more) humanity.  Do it for humanity!

If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started I was desperately

wishing to be where I am now.” – Unknown

For programs and services, contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Learn How To Learn From Others: Interaction and Communication Skills

“Learn how to learn from others.” – Raj Gavurla

Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. 

– Golda Meir

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com, LiiiVEN.

Can The Win Come To You Without Being Completely “In The Zone”?


“Make the decision to become the world’s best.  It will serve you well.” – Raj Gavurla

As an athlete regardless of your sport there are times when you aren’t completely “in the zone”, however parts of your game are.

What worked for Roger was him being “in the zone” serving the ball. Being “in the zone” in all areas is best but being “in the zone” in just one area a player is still hard to beat.

Tiafoe is real and when he learns to hit his approach shot with more skill and volley by blocking the ball he will win more and might win a grand slam. Excellent athleticism, very good serve and forehand, solid backhand. Needs to work on consistently transforming his mental performance skills as all players do because that’s what separates the world’s best from other athletes.

What do you think?

Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will. – Vernon Howard

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com, LiiiVEN.

Do You Dream Of A Resource To Help Solve Employees or Athletes Performance Development and Challenges?

“Being nice to yourself on the inside is greatness on the outside.” – Raj Gavurla

globe people

Do You Dream Of A Resource To Help Solve Employees or Athletes Performance Development and Challenges? Your employees are trained on hard and soft skills.

However, with mental performance skills training they will develop, build, and grow existing gifts, talents, and skills and discover new gifts, talents, and skills to elevate their performance.

Take this currently FREE Thrive With A Forward Performance Learning Assessment Module: http://www.RajGavurla.com

How can I help?

Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.Henry Ford

For Programs and Services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.


“Win, believe, dream, achieve applying learning tenaciously living forever.” – Raj Gavurla

Receive Insights:  Take this Thrive With A Forward Performance Learning Assessment (FREE) Module.  

performance assessment 1

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.

The time will pass anyway.” – Earl Nightingale

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com, 864.569.2315, LiiiVEN.

Performance and Entrepreneurial Leadership In Management Needed for Mental Health In Your Workplace

“Win your better outcomes: High Value and Valued ROI” – Raj Gavurla

Your valued employee is missing work more often and you can tell some things aren’t making sense.  As leadership and management, you think about what’s happening to them.  Then, your office manager or human resource person informs you they gave them the Employee Assistant Program (EAP) phone number.  Of course, something serious happened yet you’re still puzzled.  However, because you don’t know what to do or policy you don’t initiate to share authentic dialogue with your valued subordinate.

Your subordinate doesn’t know what’s happening as all they think is I’ve been having very unusual thoughts and not feeling well.  It’s as if the microprocessor (brain) in my computer (body) isn’t consistently functioning.  They really don’t know when told they have a mental health diagnosis what that means.  They just hope the doctor determines the right treatment to help/cure/exhibit teamwork to allow them to successfully continue working and living a robust life.  Sometimes for a percentage of workers, this happens and they continue successfully working and living a robust life.  Often times the facts are this doesn’t happen and your employee’s performance is valued for periods of time and then an episode or something happens and they miss work or they aren’t exhibiting their consistent valued performance.  A mental health challenge doesn’t discriminate based on socioeconomic or sociodemographic status.

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mental health

There is a highly customized fluid solution for your valued subordinate.  An example is:

1.  You (Boss) initiating and sharing private authentic dialogue with your employee.  It takes research better outcomes, preparation, interaction, and communication to deliver better outcomes for your subordinate (employee).

2.  Understanding what his or her treatment plan is and the teamwork needed.

3.  Forming a “small individual/personal matters team/group” to help your subordinate by involving a select group of trained employees as this employee’s support system in your workplace.

4.  Understanding the high-value importance/urgency of their family, work, and financial sustainability to your subordinate’s wellness is essential.  Their family is experiencing similar uncertainty as you about the well-being of your employee.

5.  By taking the initiative and being proactive with a process your employee becomes better and your costs tremendously decrease because your employee is still able to work although it might be scaled back and is given the review and evaluation of their work during this time to continue being a forward performing valued successful employee.

Yes, taking these steps are asking for more effort on your part as Boss and employer.  However, the following are some of the better outcomes (results) from taking initiative:

1.  I know as employer, Boss, team, and employee each is doing everything they can to see each other succeed and your clients succeed.   As an employer, you don’t have to do the bare minimum to be in compliance.  There are value-add resources that can help you.  As a strong mental health advocate, performance consultant/coach, and entrepreneurial leadership expert, my services might be a value-add to your current protocol for this situation.

2.  Donating to charity is important and I encourage you to continue doing so to make your business and community stronger.  However, a lot of times companies donate to non-profits (a humanitarian cause/need) without knowing the person they are helping to receive support services.  By allocating funds for mental health in your company, you are essentially creating “charity in the workplace” and seeing your dollars actually being put to use for your valued employee and receive quality work completed for your efforts.

3.  The sensation of having this humanitarian lens is very fulfilling, highly satisfying, and delivers a win for all (your business and community).  Businesses are here to contribute to family and societal progress.  Being a humanitarian to me means more than “spiritual brothers and sisters have to eat”. Being a humanitarian means “spiritual brothers and sisters have to thrive”. We are very capable of this mission and aspiration being a reality because of the forward progress we consistently make in employer/employee relationships and societal progress.

4.  Most likely your employee becomes more loyal and continues to make forward progress in your company.  Also, you now have an employee with high-value empathy skills and is part of your succession planning for your “small personal matters team(s)/group(s).  Although most of your employees don’t have a mental health diagnosis, they do have mental health challenges whether spurred from a workplace issue or life issue that sharing authentic dialogue with select people in a “small personal matters team/group” would greatly benefit your business.

5.   Mental health is our current major employer/social health challenge to the robust viability of our workplace we have to triumph along with cancer (you could imagine this affects a person’s mental health).

6.   I’ve heard too many personal stories of talented, skilled, and educated people who are underemployed and not doing meaningful work.  Because of this, there might be relationship problems because of the stigma associated with mental health and the individual might lose hope.

Sports often is at the forefront of employer and societal progress.  An example is Lebron James addressing the Cavaliers in the locker room, welcoming, and helping Larry Sanders (mental health challenge) join the team and continue to progress in his NBA career.  Yes, there are a lot of small business owners who are also helping and supporting individuals with a mental health challenge.  How about your Fortune 500, mid-size, or over 50 employees small business?

Remember, being a humanitarian is more than “spiritual brothers and sisters have to eat”.  Being a humanitarian is “spiritual brothers and sisters have to thrive”.  It’s a win for all.  It’s worth it!

If you are an executive, in management, or are a workplace leader, who is challenged by mental health in your business, please contact me to share authentic dialogue.  Your leadership is needed and wanted.

One’s destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things. Henry Miller 

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com, LiiiVEN.









“Do prosperity work: create inspiring authentic dialogue.

Be a good listener:  Personally, we the people (everyone), want each person to thrive.”

– Raj Gavurla

good listener

Where is the new talent pool?  It’s within you!  Take a look at these professions:

Engineer, Entrepreneur, Public Service, Doctor, Writer, Professional Speaker, Professional Athlete, Actor, Model, Musician, Professor, and add any profession(s) to your liking.

Is it within you?  Be and/or become any of the professions of your liking and you will be able to forward practical perform winning valued money doing so.  For example, you might work for a few minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, quarters, seasonally, or years doing one or any combination of the profession(s).

Your reply to “what do you do?” might be, “I’m an entrepreneur, engineer, professional speaker, writer, professional athlete, politician, doctor, actor, consultant, and coach.”  They might give you an uncertain look.  You reply, “I’m paid (valued money) doing each”.

What combination will you use to thrive?

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.

Situational Mindset: Difference Between Better Outcomes, Performance, Production, Successes, Fun, Enjoyment, Celebration

SuccessesA situational mindset is a skill you use to fully engage yourself in a process and culture. Whether one person, two, a group, or many stakeholders, there are diverse people with personalities, perspectives, agendas, pressures, and what’s important to them. Examples are: Your mom needs emergency surgery. Your situational mindset is serious and prayerful, the doctor reports she was able to remove all of the clot (your situational mindset is thankful), you visit your mom (your situational mindset is loving, positive and encouraging), your mom comes home (your situational mindset is helping her get better), during this time of recovery (your situational mindset varies from loving, serious, fun, funny, success, enjoyment, relief, prayerful, progress, frustration, stress, hope, caring, and sharing).

In your business, organization, and team you also encounter the above situational mindsets in a different context.
For clarity and preparedness let’s look at a process and culture for you to succeed:

Better Outcomes

Yes, you need to know what is your dream, vision, goal(s), mission, motivation, inspire yourself, and incentive(s).
So the dream is about how the fulfillment of better outcomes will enable you to dream more? Vision is the leadership and buy-in to get there, goal(s) are the milestones in your journey, and your mission is waking up daily to motivate and inspire your successes. Motivation is your fuel. Inspire yourself to consistently do better. Incentive(s) is everything expected and unexpected that goes along with pursuing your situational better outcomes mindset. What are your better outcomes? Capitalize on the learning.  It takes sharing inspiring authentic dialog.

How To Consistently Perform Better?

This essentially is “how do I consistently perform better?” You need to remove some things or habits and continue building and growing your mental performance skills. When on a team, ask “how do we consistently perform better”?

In an organization, ask “how does the organization consistently perform better?” For me, after completing the better outcomes section I constantly am looking for ways to consistently perform better. In this changing, diverse, and financially outdated system the forces of democracy, innovation and entrepreneurial vigor, and a spirited beacon of hope consistently creates a better life, better living, and better future. It’s a new way of thinking for some people. In a situational performance mindset more organizations, teams, and individuals need to spend more time in the situational performance mindset. The reason is illustrated in the next section. Yes, you want to earn more wins and more income. Now that’s established learn how to learn to consistently perform better and the more wins and more income come to you. You don’t need to chase it.

Do Your Best Production

Before management, people were working on their own to feed and clothe them self and their family. As the concept of management came into existence from Frederick Taylor to Peter Drucker management has learned their people, partnerships, and relationships are what makes the difference in their successes. The creative, innovative, and invention of technology, machines, and robots are handling things you no longer need to do. For example, agriculture has advanced, manufacturing plants are cleaner and less manual labor is being done, and mobility is delivering solutions when needed without delay.

More and more we are advancing from a situational production mindset to a situational performance mindset. Companies are realizing to succeed management doesn’t need to do all the situational performance mindset work while non-management does the situational production mindset work. It puts too much pressure on management’s situational performance mindset. Instead of fully engaging employees in the process and culture, it puts too much uncertainty on employees’ situational production mindset.

Successes, Fun, Enjoyment, and Celebration

The solution(s) which is implemented to varying degrees based on an inordinate number of criteria, wants, and needs are to fully engage your organization and personnel in better outcomes and situational performance mindset and spend less time in the situational production mindset. Then how does anything get done? “We are about doing you say.” Here’s how: You work on creating, innovating, inventing, and invest in the right service(s), product(s), technology, machines, and robots to develop and grow your business and clientele.

You invest in support services such as professional speaker(s), coach(es), consultant(s), and trainer(s) service(s) and product(s), who have a solution and then fully engage them to help you consistently perform better. In my speaking, coaching, and consulting, my clients need help in one or more of the four situational mindsets. Over the years having seen this need in companies of all sizes, different types of teams, and industries, I created, innovated, and invented to put together an intervention package. It consists of the Your Raise The Bar Primer: Mental Performance Tools workbook for your situational performance mindset, highly customized individual or team coaching, a customized team workshop, and performance consulting. From using my workbook you’ll realize not only how to accomplish your list, you’ll also realize how to put a lens on it for better outcomes. Currently, businesses and athletes are using it to make good progress. You don’t need to struggle, live in apathy, or suffer.

There are more successes, fun, enjoyment, and celebrations for you to partake in. When’s the next banquet, corporate party, convention, cookout, conference, cruise, or parade? It’s an endless fully engaging process and culture. I’m looking forward to seeing you more successful (practical forward mobility) as that’s my job and in my mission statement.

Success isn’t about being the best. It’s about always getting better. Behance 99U

For programs and services, contact Raj at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com.