Raj Gavurla, LiiiVEN Partnering With Jeff Milliman, Greenville Running Company

Why do you play sports?  Is it for your fun, enjoyment, fitness, health/wellness, career, school, and/or camaraderie? You might play for any combination of the seven.  I’m a competitive basketball, tennis, soccer, table tennis athlete (player), and run track to support my sports, fitness, and health/wellness.  Click the link for our Introductory Clinic: Living Your Greatest Dreams and Goals – They Become Greater.  This is good value for individuals, teams, coaches, athletes, schools,  businesses, associations, and leagues.

Raj Gavurla, LiiiVEN, Partnering With Jeff Milliman, Greenville Running Company

Bonus:  How to prevent injuries and what to do about current injuries? Injuries affect you at home, in the workplace, and when playing sports.  You would have fulfillment, more ease, fun, and enjoyment without them.  Imagine!  Friend, let me help you.

Here’s The Link You Need To See The Outline: Raj Gavurla, LiiiVEN, Partnering With Jeff Milliman, Greenville Running Company

Contact Raj Gavurla at 864.569.2315, raj@rajgavurla.com To Schedule An Introductory Clinic For You