Your Development, Breakthroughs, and Records

“You are “The Zone” Performer, an Elite Performer, High Performer, Good Performer, or new to human performance and life. Performers grow their inner voice mind to create development, performance improvements, breakthroughs, and set personal best records.  You are growing as a person, interconnected with your life, business, and sport(s).  Your “The Zone Effect” Development, Breakthroughs, & Records.” – Raj Gavurla

Your Inner Voice Mind (listen to your body, what you learn, see, feel, hear, smell, taste, intuition, heart, spirit, soul)  

To experience performance improvements, breakthroughs, and records grow your inner voice mind.  What are ways to do so in a fulfilling, easier, fun, and enjoyable way?

  1.  What do you program into you?  Are you watching, listening to, and reading inspiring, motivating, and success into you?  Or, are you watching, listening to, and reading depressing and sad inputs into you.  One grows you as a person and the other doesn’t.
  2. Your self-talk (grow your inner voice mind).  It’s natural when striving for performance improvements, breakthroughs, and records to regulate stress, pressure, fear, anxiety, intensity, effort, and energy.  Since you have an inner voice mind (if you asked what inner voice mind, that inner voice mind), one way to regulate stress, pressure, fear, anxiety, intensity, effort, and energy is with your inner voice mind.  It’s your subtle inner voice mind.
  3. With you inner voice mind (conscious real time) listen to your body.  With your inner voice mind on a scale from 0 to 10 (highest) the numbers specific to you regulate stress/tension (cortisol, adrenals), pressure, fear (amygdala), depressed (past, serotonin), anxiety (future), concentration/focus (see, visualize), intensity, effort, reward (dopamine), energy (flow), and endorphins (flow).

Example (working on your project, attending a meeting, or preparing for a sporting event):

  1. If stress/tension is a 7 lower it to a 1, if pressure is a 5 lower it to a 1, if fear is a 6 lower it to a 1, if anxiety is a 6 lower it to a 1.
  2. If concentration/focus is a 0 raise it to the right number for you, if intensity is a 0 raise it to the right number for you, if effort is a 0 raise it to the right number for you, if reward is a 0 raise it to the right number for you, if energy is a 0 raise it to the right number for you, and if endorphins are a 0 raise it to the right number for you.

Your inner voice mind is a practical skill for you to use.  Before doing anything whether at work, sports, and life use your inner voice mind to listen to your body to set your performance improvements, breakthroughs, and records being in your optimal performance being state.   Then, since you already know the performance improvements, breakthroughs, and records (that’s done).  Now concentrate/focus on performing in real time.  You’ve optimized your mind’s resources to help you achieve the best.  During your recovery is when you strengthen yourself.  This is when you grow your inner voice mind listening to your body for relaxation, spending time with your family, friends, hobbies, and leisure.

The absence of stress/tension, pressure, fear, and anxiety and the right number concentration/focus, intensity, effort, reward, energy, and endorphins for you is “The Zone” & “The Zone Effect”.

“The Zone” (Individual) & “The Zone Effect” (Organization/Team/Teammates) Continuum:

“The Zone” & “The Zone Effect” is described as making performance improvements, breakthroughs, records, everything is in slow motion (everything slows down), time stands still (isn’t a deterring factor), and your life and performance feels effortless.  Neither is repeatable.  You are growing as a person, congruent, in connection with your life, business/work, and sport(s); Your “The Zone Effect” Development, Breakthroughs, and Records.

My “The Zone” & “The Zone Effect”

My mom made a breakthrough and set a record for the length of time she balancing on her own.  She is recovering from a stroke.  I want her to use her abs and obliques to balance and grow her inner voice mind to overcome come the fear (amygdala) of losing balance.  This success is strengthening her mind/body (mind, heart, body, spirit, and soul).  We are building on her success.

I’ve updated my website to make it easier to communicate my value for clients and the marketplace.

Your Most Recent “The Zone” & “The Zone Effect”

What development, breakthroughs, and records are important for you to achieve?  Please send me a personal message and I will reply.

“The time when there is no one there to feel sorry for you or to cheer for you is when a player is made.”  – Tim Duncan

If interested, for your specific situation contact me at 864.569.2315, to help you and your team.

About the Author Raj Gavurla

Raj helps and works with individuals, teams, and athletes that want to experience human performance, life, organizational development and breakthroughs interconnected with your life, business, and sports.

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