Tag Archives for " entrepreneurs "

Value and Benefits of Non-Violence

“Live your great dreams they become greater.” – Raj Gavurla

When I heard the name Mahatma Gandhi, I did not realize his importance globally.  Non-violence resonated with me. Think of the opposite.  What’s the need?

Before attending a talk on non-violence, I thought of the violence I have seen.  My first discussion of violence was in fourth grade.  My friends and I were discussing how to defend ourselves.  My Bruce Lee impersonation with sound effects sent a friend frighteningly into the supplies closet.  Two guys fighting in the school cafeteria in sixth grade was my first encounter with violence.  One threw chairs and the place cleared out with students in shock and not knowing how to respond.  We couldn’t believe what was happening.

The next occurrence of violence occurred on a Sunday driving through downtown as a sixteen year old.  As I slowly drove by, two men were fighting.  A car stopped ahead of me and a mountain of a man stepped out in a three piece suit.  He single handedly separated the two.  They didn’t have a chance!

In history class my high school teacher assigned us a term paper.  My paper was on the book, The Life of Mahatma Gandhi.  A fascinating read by Louis Fischer and years later in 1982 the movie Gandhi played in theaters.  The most vivid scenes for me was a reporter on the phone relaying the story of how Gandhi was leading a non-violence movement in South Africa and then India.

Violence didn’t occur again until I visited Hollywood on a tour bus parked adjacent to Grauman’s Chinese Theatre for tourists to shop for souvenirs.  People screamed and began to gather, therefore, I rushed across the street because I’ve heard of people passing out from seeing a star.  Brad Pitt, then they faint.

A car pulled up and three guys attacked another.  A mob ensued.  They were beating him and he fell to the ground. They continued to kick him! The girls with the guys tried to stop the violence.  As the girls were being pushed aside, losing footing, and clothing, me and a guy running from the other side of the street were about to step in to help the girls.  I’m not sure what I would have done.  In hindsight, I think the best I could have done was to yell at the top of my voice. Fortunately, we heard a police siren and the guys doing the beating ran off.

As a motivational and inspirational speaker and author, I’ve been on the platform in front of diverse groups: Business and community groups, athletes, detainees in the mental health quad at the Greenville Detention Center, facilitate a mental health support group, and train police officers.  Many of them have experienced violence either perpetrated by another or themselves.

I emphasize the following:

1.  Non-violence towards yourself

2.  Non-violence towards another

To have a deeper appreciation of non-violence the thought provoking talk I attended was part of an event at the Vedic Center of Greenville in Ahimsa Hall by Shrimiti Kamalaji (Gandhi Foundation).  Ahimsa means non-violence.

nonviolence vcg

My question to her: With the increase in non-military violence how do we create a non-violence movement in our community and society in order to consistently enable individuals’ dreams, aspirations, and hope successfully?

1.  Non-violence isn’t to be legislated

2.  Use self-discipline, aspirations, and passion for inner-peace

As I reflected on her answer, I think of the courage of Malala Yousafzai, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rNhZu3ttIU, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOqIotJrFVM, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrWttENgWNE) and of using books, pens, teachers, and education as a weapon and the non-violence movement in Hong Kong for democracy.

The words of Gandhi still reverberate:

“It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honoured by the humiliation of their fellow beings.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Think about what non-violence would look like in your community.

1.  The evening news wouldn’t open with someone being shot, a school shooting, or a story on bullying.


2.  Doctor’s offices and hospitals serve sick people not cases of domestic violence


3.  There’s no suicide.


What fills the void?

Consistently enable individuals’ dreams successfully. Without enabling great dreams there is apathy and violence as means for survival.  Be determined to help, assist, and support someone you know and don’t know with earning and achieving great dreams because by doing so we find better ways and create new jobs (an occupation that didn’t exist) and better jobs (ones with career progression) to generate economic growth, peace, and raise the standard of living locally, nationally, and throughout the world.

Before we are capable of doing so, we need non-violence to produce economic growth and peace. What can you be involved with or do to create a non-violence movement in your community?

List three ways non-violence brings economic growth:

  1. ____________________________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________________________
  3. ____________________________________________________________________

List three ways for you to benefit from non-violence:

  1. ____________________________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________________________
  3. ____________________________________________________________________

By having a conversation with a group or a person about the items you listed you have an opportunity to enrich and expand or create a non-violence movement in your community.  We will have a better future by creating a non-violence movement in communities throughout the nation and world.  Enable great dreams – they become greater.


Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

10 Medical Breakthroughs That Sound Like Science Fiction

These high-tech innovations just might save your life

By: Denny Watkins

The news that comes out of research universities and hospitals often sounds too hopeful:  Here’s a gene that maybe, could potentially end obesity.  This newly discovered protein pathway might sort-of, some day cure cancer. Do any of the thousands of studies published each year result in a meaningful change in someone’s life? Read More

My Comment:  Grow life 

Coach K Earns Career Win No. 1,000 in No. 5 Duke’s Win Over St. John’s

By: Scott Phillips
source: AP

Duke head coach Mike Krzyzewski reached a milestone by winning game No. 1,000 as the No. 5 Blue Devils bested St. John’s 77-68 on Sunday at Madison Square Garden.The Philippines will continue to rapidly change in 2015. Read More

My Comment:  Congratulations Coach K! 

9 Numbers Business Owners Need To Know

By: Rhonda Abrams

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Every small-business owner needs to know some numbers – total revenue, profit margins, coast of goods, and the like.  But there are other numbers that every entrepreneur needs to know to stay competitive and succeed.  Read More

My Comment:  What metrics/numbers drive your business?

Eight Steps On How To Lose Weight and Stay Fit (Healthy)

“Consistently win each quarter.” – Raj Gavurla

Many people make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight and stay fit (healthy). By doing so you think your appearance is more attractive and you feel fit (healthy). Therefore, you have more confidence in your ability to achieve your dreams, goals, and mission.

1. It’s Mental
First and foremost you need to ask yourself how will making your appearance more attractive and being healthy make your ability to achieve your goals become easier. The results of achieving your weight loss and health goals are more than a number on a scale or a specific goal. The reason being is there are several benefits to doing so. Some you didn’t think of occur.

An example of a benefit is you do not have as many negative thoughts. You are unconsciously able to do what you need in the area of weight and health versus subconsciously having to think about whether what you are doing is helping or not.

By responding to your negative thoughts that are derailing you from success you upgrade your unconscious mind. Examples of negative thoughts are:

1. I’ve tried this before and don’t continue seeing the benefits.

Respond with I’ve learned how to do it better.

2. Does this really work (disbelief)?

Respond with believe it’s really this easy.

3. Just one won’t make a difference.

Respond with your criteria for what is edible and what exercises are needed.

Therefore, you are enabling your success not depriving yourself. When you believe you are enabling success you need to manage it to set further goals to benefit from your successes. There isn’t an ending point. There is continuation and progression (process) towards your new dreams, goals, and mission. Ones you didn’t have when you started. You have a robust life.

2. Health/Nutrition (Eat Right)
Some people currently have physical and/or mental health that need treatment. Research the best treatment(s) for you. If what you are doing or taking is working then stick with it. If it is not working do research for another form of treatment.

Examples include talking with your family doctor, specialist, chiropractor, trainer, and/or coach. There are natural, pharmaceutical, and stretching exercises for you to try. Don’t quit by thinking there isn’t a way. People are working to find a better way.

With entrepreneurial advancements in humanness, medicine, and technology you can lead a robust life. For example, a resource for chronic pain is a book, Pain Free, by Pete Egoscue. The stretching exercises are very easy and do not involve intense physical therapy.

Eat Right
Eating right is an individualized approach. For example some people need carbs in the morning and some need protein instead. Create a criteria for the foods you can eat and you’ll be amazed with so many advancements in food products and cooking what is available for you to eat and enjoy. Get out of the rut of eating the same foods, add variety and flavor to the foods you eat.

For example, my individualized eating plan is protein and raw organic vegetables in the morning, water, and tea. This is the first quarter of the day. A couple of hours before lunch I eat organic fruit. Lunch starts the second quarter. Between two and four I eat organic vegetables and organic fruits. Have water, tea, or another beverage of choice. Drink slowly.  Dinner starts the third quarter. For dinner I eat more carbs.  After dinner starts the fourth quarter. I drink water, tea, or a beverage of my choice.

My criteria for eating right:
Eat 1/2 of what I use to eat for each meal, no refined sugar, limit the bread, limit the caffeine, no alcohol, eating right also makes you healthy

3. Exercise
Learn how to exercise. By doing repetitive exercise your body becomes bored and there is overuse of the muscles. This is why the gains stop. Add variety and set personal best records for you to achieve.

My criteria for exercising:
Variety, warm up, cardio on some days (walk, run, jazzercise), weights on some days (lift slowly), sports on some days (several to choose from).  Exercising also makes you healthy. I exercise for strength, quickness, and speed.  Stretch everyday.

The world’s best exercise is a four mile walk.  I’ve known several people with and without health challenges implement a four mile walk to succeed.

4. Work
There is paid work, volunteer work, and hobbies to keep you engaged. Find work that is important to you and you can do well. Working will keep your mind of your health and eating. It gives you the opportunity to be a productive citizen making a living, helping, and doing for your family, friends, and others.

5. Meditate
I meditate to clear my mind, therefore, making it function better and for balance. When the mind is consistently transformed it has the power to make everything easy. For me an hour is perfect. Pick the amount of time right for you. It also helps me with my timing.

6. Have Something To Look Forward To In The Evening
It’s nice to have something relaxing and fun in the evening. Invite someone to spend time with family, friends, watch a game, watch tv, listen to music, read, or attend an event.

7. Pray
There is spiritual growth. It brings wellness, good deeds, and peace.

8. Rest
To rejuvenate you need to rest specific activities. This can be in your work and in exercise. Give your mind and body the break it needs to renew these activities. That doesn’t mean to stop working or exercising or eating right completely. It means to work on a different activity, take a month or three off from weights, or tune in to another activity. I sleep at the same time on the weekdays.

Daily do something for your health/nutrition, exercise, work, meditate, have something to look forward to in the evening, pray, and rest. Be sure to inform the people who need to know about your whereabouts to coordinate with them so they don’t worry and things get done.

Continue to learn to get more skilled in each of the above steps to make living a robust life easier.


Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

Entrepreneurship is not about boundaries: Dr Subhash Chandra
By: dna Correspondent


An entrepreneur is someone who sees no boundaries and entrepreneurship is not about boundaries. This and several other life experiences were shared by Dr Subhash Chandra, chairman, Essel Group and Zee with several businessmen. Chandra was in city on the invite of the ?entrepreneurs to conduct Zee Media Corporation’s flagship show Dr Subhash Chandra (DSC) Show – an initiative that looks to give back to the society.  Read More

My Comment:  Excellent article about the mood, mindsdet, and motivation needed to use entrepreneurship to make something revolutionary happen 

Create Your Own Job, HAH!
By: Martin Henry


We have opened up the new year with youth unemployment hovering around 40 per cent.

The unemployment number for the overall labour force is around 14 per cent. But we have to read these numbers bearing in mind what the Statistical Institute (STATIN) means by unemployment: Persons without work who are actively seeking work when the survey is done. The single largest block of workers in Jamaica is made up of those who have dropped out of the STATIN labour force and earn a money from one kind of hustling or another.  Read More

My Comment:  Good insights into entrepreneurship and its role in economic development and growth, and social prosperity.  

9 Ways to Help Get You Out of That Bad Mood                                                                                               By: Sara Altschule



Sometimes you’re in a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad mood. The sun might be shining, but all you can see are dark clouds up ahead. Bad moods can get the best of us. They grab hold of you tightly, making them hard to shake off. You have a choice – you can either let the darkness surround you, or you can try your best to break free of its grip.  Read More

My Comment:  Excellent article on the importance of mood.  Consistently apply as needed to benefit from your infinite moods.

Soak In The Experience: Power of Gratitude

It takes a herculean effort to put on a community fundraiser. There was planning and arrangements to be made. Everything from venue selection to refreshments, registration, tables to arrange for sponsors, canopy, DJ, Zumba, speaker, and humanity.

I attended the NAMI Greenville Walks and arrived early while people were setting up to soak in the experience. Some I knew and many I didn’t know. There were introductions and an emcee, recognition of teams and individuals, and a speaker’s message. Before walking Zumba instructors helped us warm up. We had to “shake it!” I was smiling.

While walking along a scenic route among friends and making new friends the conversation was nostalgic, sky was clear, sun beaming, and you felt the breeze at just the right time. As we crossed the finish line, “community”. Music was playing and people were recognized for their amazing efforts.

As people made their way home there was clean up. The breakdown of tables, folding chairs, and folding the canopy.

The event was orchestrated spectacularly! An experience I’ll cherish for progress, relationships, and friendships. Thank you!

The following day after watching the French Open Final, I took a walk in the neighborhood. As I approached the halfway mark, I saw three kids with a Kool Aid and lemonade stand at the main intersection. One asked would I like Kool Aid or lemonade and then another asked do I want a straw and then another said it’s free for walkers. They are our future. A snapshot of inspiration I’ll remember forever. Thank you!

Are you soaking in your experiences with gratitude for those who helped make it an amazing experience?

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at raj@rajgavurla.com with your date, time and location to book your date today!

One Big Idea To Propel Team and Company Performance

What is one big idea to propel team and company performance? You hire the best and invest in training. Your employees have resources at their fingertips to perform. Yet, it seems the pareto principle still applies.

What if the percentages were reversed? Eighty percent of the people do most of the work versus twenty percent? Your company’s performance would make a giant leap. How? The one big idea is learn how to learn.

I’ve been attending regular meetings of one of the largest employers in the state. The team of thirty receive instruction, watch a video, and dress rehearsal. Then they perform. As they do it’s obvious some didn’t hear or didn’t remember specific instructions. In most organizations this would cause problems, however, the team and especially its fearless leader respond instantly without pointing blame. For example, you don’t hear phrases like “she told us to do this”, “weren’t you listening”, “either you can do the job or you can’t”, “do it yourself”. It really is one of the most amazing things I’ve seen.

This team also coaches each other. They have one hundred percent doing most of the work. Not eighty or twenty percent.

Does your team perform so well? If not, implement to see just how much better your company’s performance will be. What can be done to raise performance? When the time is right, they actually teach one another thinking tools used to execute what is done so well. You’ll find the end result is achieved in multiple ways.

By learning how they learned to execute the teammates can understand if there is a better and faster way to learn and execute. Usually there is. Now your team has gone from one level of performance to a higher level. Do you have a team that performs so efficiently?

They obviously know how to recruit the best people. Because none of the team members were trained to act this way. Amazing!

Taking a closer look at the team five ingredients stand out:

1. The supervisor, leader, and team members are diverse and have subtle people skills.

2. There is education/training (instruction, video, peer coaching), dress rehearsal, and event. In other words, education/training (your components), rehearsal, and project.

3. The environment is world class.

4. During and after projects anyone can give feedback to help increase performance. Ninety percent of the time the leader decides whether or not to implement in front of the team. The other ten percent the leader needs to think it through.

5. They realize their team members are living great dreams (their work/job at the company) and they have great dreams outside of work/job they do for the company they actively support.

Implement this one big idea to propel team and company performance.

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at raj@rajgavurla.com with your date, time and location to book your date today!

Trigger Success

“Use compelling motivational thoughts to propel you throughout the day.” – Raj Gavurla

Each of us have successes, hopes, and dreams and each of us has adversity whether small or big.   Being on the platform in front of very successful people, successful people, and those who have adversity, I’m amazed at the human spirit.  People have dreams, resiliency, and are filled with hope and success.

Yet, a person can also cave in.  Our own thoughts and the motivational words of others invigorate us to make progress whether small or big.  Thoughts and words really have a huge impact!  You may be on the verge of success or failure.

Instead of looking to ward off your triggers to avoid decline (not excelling at work, gaining weight, exercise is a drag) think of “trigger success”.  Yes, triggers can be very motivational.  Of course, we want to excel at work, be at our optimal BMI, and have a fit mind and body.

So instead of focusing on negative triggers to avoid think of a sub dream to your dream.  Your dream isn’t yet to be achieved and thinking about it too much will take you away from taking action (doing the little things).  By having a sub dream it will be easier to take action because you aren’t overwhelmed.  Make a greater effort towards your compelling vision of your sub dream than your dream.  Why?  Because by achieving your sub dream your dream will come racing towards you and becomes greater.

After having:

1.  A compelling vision of a sub dream to your dream

2.  Mentally prepare and have the thought “trigger success”

3.  Take action by doing the little things.  If/when you have a negative thought, have the thought “trigger success”.  You’ll instantly engage in the thoughts needed to execute the little things.  For example, call a prospect or other infinite motivational words you’ve read or heard from others relevant to doing the little things.  That’s why you attend events, read, and talk with people.  You have a mind full of them.  Are you using them?

Here’ a message from a peer:

“Never lose sight…just may happen…thanks, for your visions, and your wishes!!”

4.  Review your progress

5.  Find ways to perform better.  Usually this involves learning how to learn.  It will keep you from burning out.         If it’s too hard, then the thoughts aren’t in place.  If you are coasting, then raise the bar to make progress.

It’s number three that makes all the difference.  Use the word “trigger” in a positive way not the way it is usually portrayed (example, what’s the trigger that causes that problem).

Trigger success.

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at raj@rajgavurla.com with your date, time and location to book your date today!

Entrepreneurial Shift: Better Results In Less Time

While networking I met a guy who had the same twelfth grade English teacher as me. He asked, what do I remember about her? I said, “she liked tools”. Besides teaching English, she felt a sense of nostalgia when she saw tools neatly stored on a peg board in a tool shed. I also remembered, it being the first time I gave a speech. Preparing was a daunting task; however, she gave the class a tool for speech preparation. Her tool was to open with something memorable to get the audience’s attention. Therefore, I opened my speech in French.

There is also an entrepreneurial thinking tool to be entrepreneurial. People associate being entrepreneurial with starting a business. This is a form of entrepreneurship, however, there is intrapreneurship (corporate entrepreneurship), and the application of entrepreneurial thinking in our work and daily living.  People focus on creating a better service or product to be entrepreneurial. How do they come up with a creative innovative idea?

There are several entrepreneurial thinking tools to stimulate entrepreneurial ideas and determine whether your service and/or product are entrepreneurial.  One of my entrepreneurial thinking tools is a simple graph showing better results vs. less time.

entrepreneurial shift








If your service and/or product can produce better results but not in less time then it’s not entrepreneurial. If your service and/or product can’t produce a better result but can be done in less time it’s not entrepreneurial. However, if your service and/or product can produce better results in less time then it’s entrepreneurial.

Examples: Carriage buggy vs. car, typewriter vs. computer, ship vs. plane, shorter route to work, learn a tip to make something easier to do in less time, no internet vs. internet, land line vs. cell phone, no exercise vs. exercise, no nutrition vs. nutrition

Therefore, take a look at the marketplace. Can you create an entrepreneurial shift (ES) by raising the bar to produce better results in less time? How about applying the tool in your productivity at work or in something you are passionate about at home?

By having an entrepreneurial tool you’ll reduce apathy and create natural endorphins seizing opportunity and stimulating you to the next level of success.

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at raj@rajgavurla.com with your date, time and location to book your date today!


Small GIANTS Community

Winning at Entrepreneurship: Author Interview with Raj Gavurla

By Glenn Burr on July 17, 2013

When it comes to Winning at Entrepreneurship sometimes it’s best to waste no time or words on overwrought and overinflated responses. Buckle in, strap-up and hang-on as ISGC Executive Director Raul Candeloro guides you through this fast-paced dialogue with Raj Gavurla, author of Winning at Entrepreneurship.

ISGC: Let’s begin by talking about yourself, so our readers can get to know you better. Could you briefly describe your life journey until you wrote Winning at Entrepreneurship?

Gavurla: While traveling as an automation and controls engineer on a business trip, I stopped at the airport bookstore and bought the Book of Business Wisdom edited by Peter Krass because it was important for me to learn more about business. Because of a health challenge and a calling to do something productive, I went into professional speaking to help families, businesses, communities, and schools. The Book of Business Wisdom inspired me to write Winning At Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial vigor, family, friends, community, and faith continue to enrich me.

ISGC: Now about the book. With already so many leadership books out there about, what new information does Winning at Entrepreneurship offer?

Gavurla: It focuses on the mindset, mood, and motivation an entrepreneurial leader needs to succeed.

ISGC: Could you give us an example out of Winning at Entrepreneurship that reflects your main ideas or concepts?

Gavurla: Entrepreneurs raise the bar to produce better results for clients and the marketplace to make lives better. That’s it!

ISGC: In a short sentence, what kind of person should be attracted to your book?

Gavurla: The person who is intrigued by entrepreneurialism and wants to use it as a vehicle to raise the bar by producing better results for clients and the marketplace to make lives better.

What kind of advice should they be looking for ?

The mindset, mood, motivation, and strategies they can apply to their situation.

Or what kind of problem should they be looking to solve?

ISGC: What’s the first thing you would like a reader to do after finishing Winning at Entrepreneurship?

Gavurla: Implement how it stimulated you to think for you to grow.

ISGC: What other books would you recommend for someone that wants more information about this?

Gavurla: Book of Business Wisdom, Business As A Calling, Grow Your Business, How To Be Like Mike

About your work as a consultant / business expert:

ISGC: What is the biggest mistake you see small business owners making in the areas covered by Winning at Entrepreneurship?

Gavurla: Not realizing the importance of taking their creative innovative idea and clarity of vision forward with effective communication, team, and execution.

ISGC: What suggestions would you give them to improve?

Gavurla: Identify better outcomes and then focus on daily results oriented action to get there. Don’t let anyone tell you “you can’t” when it would do a lot of good.

Where should they start?

Creative Innovative Idea (start here) + Clarity of Vision + Team (mentors, coaches, advisors, suppliers, clients) + Communication + Execution = Entrepreneurial Success

ISGC: What about managers and team leaders? In general, what do you think they should STOP doing if they wanted to improve their results?

Gavurla: Implement a system to empower their subordinates to collect ideas outside of regular work responsibilities, process the ideas, and use the above entrepreneurial success formula to help you create a path to grow them and you by managing/advising. Stop managing personalities instead make a path for them to execute with you providing relationship capital and support. You’re there to grow them to produce better results for clients and the marketplace to make lives better.

ISGC: Anything they should start doing more?

Gavurla: As a team, come up with executable creative innovative idea(s) to stimulate work endorphins. They’ll still have their core responsibilities. This requires proper management of their workload so they have time for each and then bring people up through the system. You’ll discover new leaders.

ISGC: After all the research you did for Winning at Entrepreneurship and based on all your experience in this area, what kind advice you see out there that you disagree with or think that is misleading?


Entrepreneurialism isn’t for corporate. It’s only new companies. That’s not true. It’s for both!
You have to fail first to be successful. That’s not true.
ISGC: What are the VALUES that your company lives and dies by?

Gavurla: Integrity, involvement, imagination

ISGC: Why is this so important to you?

Gavurla: They guide me in doing good business.

ISGC: Any additional comments or thoughts for our readers?

Gavurla: Entrepreneurialism in business, government, and community got us out of the Great Depression and I trust entrepreneurial vigor will get us out of the Great Recession for greater prosperity. It will benefit all segments of the population.

Thank you!

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at raj@rajgavurla.com with your date, time and location to book your date today!

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