Category Archives for Entrepreneurship & Business

Eight Steps On How To Lose Weight and Stay Fit (Healthy)

“Consistently win each quarter.” – Raj Gavurla

Many people make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight and stay fit (healthy). By doing so you think your appearance is more attractive and you feel fit (healthy). Therefore, you have more confidence in your ability to achieve your dreams, goals, and mission.

1. It’s Mental
First and foremost you need to ask yourself how will making your appearance more attractive and being healthy make your ability to achieve your goals become easier. The results of achieving your weight loss and health goals are more than a number on a scale or a specific goal. The reason being is there are several benefits to doing so. Some you didn’t think of occur.

An example of a benefit is you do not have as many negative thoughts. You are unconsciously able to do what you need in the area of weight and health versus subconsciously having to think about whether what you are doing is helping or not.

By responding to your negative thoughts that are derailing you from success you upgrade your unconscious mind. Examples of negative thoughts are:

1. I’ve tried this before and don’t continue seeing the benefits.

Respond with I’ve learned how to do it better.

2. Does this really work (disbelief)?

Respond with believe it’s really this easy.

3. Just one won’t make a difference.

Respond with your criteria for what is edible and what exercises are needed.

Therefore, you are enabling your success not depriving yourself. When you believe you are enabling success you need to manage it to set further goals to benefit from your successes. There isn’t an ending point. There is continuation and progression (process) towards your new dreams, goals, and mission. Ones you didn’t have when you started. You have a robust life.

2. Health/Nutrition (Eat Right)
Some people currently have physical and/or mental health that need treatment. Research the best treatment(s) for you. If what you are doing or taking is working then stick with it. If it is not working do research for another form of treatment.

Examples include talking with your family doctor, specialist, chiropractor, trainer, and/or coach. There are natural, pharmaceutical, and stretching exercises for you to try. Don’t quit by thinking there isn’t a way. People are working to find a better way.

With entrepreneurial advancements in humanness, medicine, and technology you can lead a robust life. For example, a resource for chronic pain is a book, Pain Free, by Pete Egoscue. The stretching exercises are very easy and do not involve intense physical therapy.

Eat Right
Eating right is an individualized approach. For example some people need carbs in the morning and some need protein instead. Create a criteria for the foods you can eat and you’ll be amazed with so many advancements in food products and cooking what is available for you to eat and enjoy. Get out of the rut of eating the same foods, add variety and flavor to the foods you eat.

For example, my individualized eating plan is protein and raw organic vegetables in the morning, water, and tea. This is the first quarter of the day. A couple of hours before lunch I eat organic fruit. Lunch starts the second quarter. Between two and four I eat organic vegetables and organic fruits. Have water, tea, or another beverage of choice. Drink slowly.  Dinner starts the third quarter. For dinner I eat more carbs.  After dinner starts the fourth quarter. I drink water, tea, or a beverage of my choice.

My criteria for eating right:
Eat 1/2 of what I use to eat for each meal, no refined sugar, limit the bread, limit the caffeine, no alcohol, eating right also makes you healthy

3. Exercise
Learn how to exercise. By doing repetitive exercise your body becomes bored and there is overuse of the muscles. This is why the gains stop. Add variety and set personal best records for you to achieve.

My criteria for exercising:
Variety, warm up, cardio on some days (walk, run, jazzercise), weights on some days (lift slowly), sports on some days (several to choose from).  Exercising also makes you healthy. I exercise for strength, quickness, and speed.  Stretch everyday.

The world’s best exercise is a four mile walk.  I’ve known several people with and without health challenges implement a four mile walk to succeed.

4. Work
There is paid work, volunteer work, and hobbies to keep you engaged. Find work that is important to you and you can do well. Working will keep your mind of your health and eating. It gives you the opportunity to be a productive citizen making a living, helping, and doing for your family, friends, and others.

5. Meditate
I meditate to clear my mind, therefore, making it function better and for balance. When the mind is consistently transformed it has the power to make everything easy. For me an hour is perfect. Pick the amount of time right for you. It also helps me with my timing.

6. Have Something To Look Forward To In The Evening
It’s nice to have something relaxing and fun in the evening. Invite someone to spend time with family, friends, watch a game, watch tv, listen to music, read, or attend an event.

7. Pray
There is spiritual growth. It brings wellness, good deeds, and peace.

8. Rest
To rejuvenate you need to rest specific activities. This can be in your work and in exercise. Give your mind and body the break it needs to renew these activities. That doesn’t mean to stop working or exercising or eating right completely. It means to work on a different activity, take a month or three off from weights, or tune in to another activity. I sleep at the same time on the weekdays.

Daily do something for your health/nutrition, exercise, work, meditate, have something to look forward to in the evening, pray, and rest. Be sure to inform the people who need to know about your whereabouts to coordinate with them so they don’t worry and things get done.

Continue to learn to get more skilled in each of the above steps to make living a robust life easier.


Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

Entrepreneurship is not about boundaries: Dr Subhash Chandra
By: dna Correspondent


An entrepreneur is someone who sees no boundaries and entrepreneurship is not about boundaries. This and several other life experiences were shared by Dr Subhash Chandra, chairman, Essel Group and Zee with several businessmen. Chandra was in city on the invite of the ?entrepreneurs to conduct Zee Media Corporation’s flagship show Dr Subhash Chandra (DSC) Show – an initiative that looks to give back to the society.  Read More

My Comment:  Excellent article about the mood, mindsdet, and motivation needed to use entrepreneurship to make something revolutionary happen 

Create Your Own Job, HAH!
By: Martin Henry


We have opened up the new year with youth unemployment hovering around 40 per cent.

The unemployment number for the overall labour force is around 14 per cent. But we have to read these numbers bearing in mind what the Statistical Institute (STATIN) means by unemployment: Persons without work who are actively seeking work when the survey is done. The single largest block of workers in Jamaica is made up of those who have dropped out of the STATIN labour force and earn a money from one kind of hustling or another.  Read More

My Comment:  Good insights into entrepreneurship and its role in economic development and growth, and social prosperity.  

9 Ways to Help Get You Out of That Bad Mood                                                                                               By: Sara Altschule



Sometimes you’re in a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad mood. The sun might be shining, but all you can see are dark clouds up ahead. Bad moods can get the best of us. They grab hold of you tightly, making them hard to shake off. You have a choice – you can either let the darkness surround you, or you can try your best to break free of its grip.  Read More

My Comment:  Excellent article on the importance of mood.  Consistently apply as needed to benefit from your infinite moods.


Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

How I Had To Change My Mindset When I Became An Entrepreneur
By: Ryan Clements

Article cover image

2008 was the last time that I received a paycheque as an employee. Ever since that time, 100% of our family income has been business income derived from various entrepreneurial ventures.  Read More

My Comment:  Research, learn, apply the learning, develop to grow

Marcus Mariota Winning the Heisman Gives Hope That The Man Is Remembered As Much As The Player
By: Jason Quick

Heisman Trophy

While most around the nation looked at Marcus Mariota holding his Heisman Trophy on Saturday night and thought of his excellence on the football field, there was an entirely different reaction from his own team in Eugene.  Read More

My Comment:  Being nice is the key ingredient to success

Internal and external health: What’s that?
By Rick Daman

Health is internal and external. The majority of people want external healthy appearances. Maybe we all do. But is an external healthy appearance more important than internal health? This is what we need to figure out before we start and continue our quest to a healthy lifestyle. How do you look at exercise and health?  Read More

My Comment: Excellent explanation of the importance of your inner voice

Come Out of Your Shell

“You’re suppose to shine brighter.” – Raj Gavurla

When performance coaching there are reasons why people don’t consistently perform well.  Although we may do something excellent, sometimes we don’t know what makes it excellent.  Here are tips to help you know how to perform and to make it easier for you to deliver better results.

1.  Mentally Prepare and Debrief

There are so many people asking too much of themselves.  What do I mean?


Winging a Presentation

By actually investing time and really looking at the words, how it sounds, and your body movements you can gain tremendous appreciation for the art of speaking and improve your communication skills.  The most essential skill we have is our ability to communicate.  We communicate when we speak, write, present, and perform.  One of the best ways to learn is through self-awareness when you see someone else doing it well.  It will take time for you to learn how to become more appreciative, however, as you do learn to pay attention you’ll start to build your knowledge base of communication skills.  Then, apply them to your work. Look into hiring a presentation skills coach.

Not preparing for a conference call

By preparing ahead of time you’ll know how to start a call and take it to productive completion.  Put a structure to your call.  Some helpful questions to prepare:

1.  What has been happening with this person?

2.  What is the most important thing we need to discuss?

3.  What steps are needed to make progress?

4.  How does each of us come out ahead?

Making a sales call without going through how to respond to prospects needs, wants, sensitivities, and concerns

This is why sales people experience fear and do not feel comfortable selling.  When you are discovering and offering real value you are being helpful.  Prospects and clients want this and with your help you can solve their needs.  If you can’t help or solve their need, then refer them to someone else.

Scheduling too many meetings back to back not giving you ample time to refocus and prepare

Keep in mind you want quality productivity not super productivity.  With quality you feel a sense of accomplishment.  With super productivity you’re in a rat race.

Not asking the right question 

We are in dynamic times requiring adaptability and agility.  Ask the right question and you’ll get the answers you need to be helpful and make wiser decisions.  During your research you might think it’s obvious what they need, however, until you actually have a conversation you will not know the best solution.  After delivering excellent results, debrief to know what made it so.  Sometime we do things excellently, however, we don’t have the knowledge of what is being done to make it come across as excellent.

This happens a lot when presenting or performing.  For example, while performing I asked someone afterwards what makes that line funny.  I don’t mean to funny.  Their response was the way I dead pan it.  That was what made it funny.  Now I have an expanded knowledge base I can use at the appropriate time.  There are countless examples like this one.  When you are skilled at using them your results will be better.  You’ll shine brighter and have a robust repertoire of skills.


Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

STRATEGY Ten Ways to Spot an Opportunity
Finding ways to compete differently is hard. This will make it easier.

Once you come up with a promising insight, there is no guarantee that success will follow, of course.
You need to turn a great insight into a thriving business, which is incredibly difficult.
But with that throat-clearing out of the way, you can apply 10 simple tests to discover an idea worth pursuing.
Read More

My Comment: Excellent approaches for growth strategies

Regain Focus Right Now With This 15-Minute Exercise
Feeling distracted? Here are 5 simple steps to quickly get you back on point.

People are often multitasking today, but sometimes it just becomes overload, and then distraction can overwhelm you. If you are doing work that requires concentration, you will need to regain your focus to complete the job. Read More

My Comment: Keeping a notebook works. Learn how to get in your zone

7 Foods That Help Boost Your Mood

When stressed out or feeling down, it’s usually not our first instinct to turn to food as a cure. Many of us have heard the famous quote by Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food,” and this philosophy also holds true when it comes to boosting your mood. Food plays a huge role in our physical health, but it surprisingly affects our mental health as well. Read More

My Comment: Consistency and variety are needed


Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

How to Develop a Business Growth Strategy
There are many ways to guide a business through a period of expansion.

Turning a small business into a big one is never easy. The statistics are grim. Research suggests that only one-tenth of 1 percent of companies will ever reach $250 million in annual revenue. An even more microscopic group, just 0.036 percent, will reach $1 billion in annual sales. Read More

My Comment: To keep your interest stimulated during your growth phase have an idea/initiative in development to stimulate your entrepreneurial thinking.

How Do Athletes Get ‘In the Zone’ of Peak Performance?
Dan Peterson

After a great performance, athletes have described a feeling of being “in the zone.” In this state, they feel invincible, as if the game slowed down, the crowd noise fell silent and they achieved an incredible focus on their mission. What is this Superman-like state and how can players enter it when they most need it? Read More

My Comment: Great article. Keep track of each item in a notebook and you will peak perform.

Heed and Harness Your Introverted Customers
Sure, high-tech bells and whistles are important. But when it comes to product design, empathy for your customers’ emotions should come first.

Designing products for your customers’ emotional needs is hardly a radical concept. Read More

My Comment: Ease of use makes a product/service stand out


Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

Stop Managing Millennials: Manage The Individual
By James O. Rogers

By 2015, Millennials will represent the largest generational cohort in the workforce. If you believe some of the leading news sources, this will be the apocalypse. According to them, Millennials are strange creatures that do not play by the old rules of the workplace. Read more

My  Comment: By doing so you will optimize performance.

38 Quotes To Help You Become A Change Agent
By John Brandon

In business, your ability to adapt and change is often what separates successful entrepreneurs from those who are stuck in obscurity. Read more

My  Comment: Positive change happens and is a necessity for advancement

How to Break a Bad Habit (And Replace It With a Good One)
By James Clear

Bad habits interrupt your life and prevent you from accomplishing your goals. They jeopardize your health — both mentally and physically. And they waste your time and energy. Read more

My  Comment: You’ll have a better life.

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Email him at with your date, time and location to book your date today!

Did You Experience The World Series Game 7 “Zone”?

The “zone” feels effortless, has better outcomes, timing is perfect, and everything is in slow motion.” – Raj Gavurla 

sf giants1 sf giants 2

The ” zone” pitching performance by Madison Bumgarner of the San Francisco Giants was exemplary.  On any level, especially the seventh game of the World Series, the zone is an amazing experience to be a part of.   As it unfolded you watched and felt something special was happening.  Although I wasn’t playing, as a spectator I experienced “the zone”.  I felt effortless in watching, history was being written, time was a nonfactor (it seemed still), and my surroundings were in slow motion.  It was as if I was in the stadium.

Being a performance coach there are a few “zone” bytes to gain and apply the knowledge from the experience towards your performance.

1.  Although you don’t know Madison’s routine or thought process throughout the day, adrenaline, anxiety, and motivation are a part of preparing for the seventh game of the World Series.  This is the time for well-timed motivation.

2.  When called upon, he accessed his “zone” and pitched a masterpiece.

3.  As he and his teammates recognized what was happening nothing needed to be said.  There was no way to make it better.

4.  Before the final inning his catcher gave him the emotional and cognitive support needed (not a time for motivation).  The game was on the line.  His catcher went over the approach with him for the next three batters and Madison executed.

5.  Madison responded to adversity (fielding error) with the tying run on third and the winning run at the plate.

6.  With poise and composure he threw his high fastball to get ahead in the count.

7.  The batter popped up the final pitch.  Celebration time!

Although you probably won’t play in the World Series, gain and apply the knowledge for you to set a personal best record.

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at with your date, time and location to book your date today!


Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

Be Part Of The Global Entrepreneurship Community

One of the guiding questions whenever my team interviews an entrepreneur for our television show is: why is it important to promote entrepreneurship? And from every entrepreneur we have interviewed, we heard different answers. However, it will always lead to poverty alleviation. That is what we in the Go Negosyo community and the many entrepreneurs we have talked to believe in. That sometime in the future, when everyone grabs their opportunities to become enterprising, there will be less Filipinos who will cry for help and wait for the government to support them. Read more

My  Comment:  Like the ending: People ferreting out better ways of doing things and improving the lives of our citizens

Google’s Streaming Music Service Adds Mood To Mix
By Michael Liedtke

Google’s music-subscription service will try to anticipate its listeners’ mood swings as it amplifies its competition with Pandora, Spotify and other popular services that play tunes over the Internet. Read more

My  Comment:Being able to harness your mood to perform is essential to being immersed in the moment.

Why Pharmacies Are Becoming More Attractive To Business Owners
By Mark Shoniker

Professional services are attracting more and more attention, especially from an investment standpoint. According to a recent survey of small business owners, two-thirds of Canadian entrepreneurs (63 per cent) report that the professional services sector is an attractive investment opportunity. Industry data shows that the sector created 85,000 new jobs in 2013 and now represents the fourth-largest sector by employment in Canada. Read more

My  Comment:  Look for investments aligned with your passion

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at with your date, time and location to book your date today!


Each week I read a number of peak performance and entrepreneurial articles from various online resources. Here are my top three picks this week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

Entrepreneurship Education Not Just for Entrepreneurs
By Barry Glassner

Entrepreneurship is enjoying tremendous growth at our colleges and universities. Courses and programs are now common at institutions large and small, numbering in the hundreds. Read more

My  Comment:  By educating students and employees on applying entrepreneurial thinking companies will make far greater breakthroughs.

Entrepreneurship In Translation, Part 1
By Linda Essig

With some frequency, I am asked to provide a definition of “arts entrepreneurship.” I have a short working definition (the cocktail party version is “Arts entrepreneurship is entrepreneurial action in the service of art”). I’ve written longer descriptions of arts entrepreneurship practice and defended the concept against assertions that it does not exit. One question I am sometimes asked – the answer to which is embodied in the cocktail party response – is “how is arts entrepreneurship different than any other sectoral form of entrepreneurship?” Are the actions of an artist starting, for example, a new collective gallery any different from someone starting a new dry cleaning company in the shopping plaza down the street? Read more

My  Comment:  It’s important to develop your ideas and concepts with someone in the marketplace who can envision its application.

Adjust Stress Level for Top Performance
By Cindy Matthes-Loy

“All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players…”
Read more

My  Comment:  Right on with the concept peak performance isn’t when you try your hardest. It’s when you achieve uninhibited flow.

Are you planning a meeting for this year or a kickoff meeting for early next year? Book Raj to speak to energize and inspire your team, organizaton or corporation to consistently perform at the top of our game! Call him at 864.569.2315 or contact him at with your date, time and location to book your date today!